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Tag: numerology

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

how to develop your intuition exercises

3 Simple Intuition Exercises to Help You Grow Your Intuitive Ability

We all enjoy it when a hunch or gut feeling pays off, so here are some simple how to develop your intuition exercises. If we learn to connect with intuition, we can begin to rely on hunches a lot more often – and have some fun with it, too. What is intuition or inner guidance?…
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empath moms

Empath Moms and Children

Are you an empath, or perhaps an awakening empath?

What if you are a mom, also?

How do you deal with energetic overload, sensory overload, and just plain dealing with family life?

Check out this post for some ideas and thoughts on the subject of being an Empath Mom, and for more resources, either search for ’empath’ on the blog page or click this link to see all posts about Empaths>>.

Did you know that sometimes being overcaring, or extremely nurturing, can be a karmic glitch in your Akashic Record because of patriarchal energy or repeated lifetimes of over-giving?

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

you are dearly loved

What is an empath and what gifts do we have to offer you?

Empaths and what we feel There have been several great posts around the internet recently on the subject of being an Empath. My definition of an empath is somebody who can sense something about other people, locations and sometimes animals or plant life, whether it is an uncomfortable sensation… their discomfort or pain their emotions…
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personal energy

How do I read others emotions to develop my intuition?

Emotions are energy… It’s all about energy, really. And instinct. And intuition. And a bit of regular practice. And it’s not that difficult…you need to start to understand that emotions are just another form of energy – what’s special about emotional energy is that it can effect how we feel! Emotion = Energy in motion…
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indigo children

Sensitive child? Some helps for moms with sensitive children

My sensitive children – in my opinion, in my experience… I’m going to start this post with a great quote from one of my favorite judges on the tv series The Good Wife.  Don’t know if you follow that series but there is a judge on there that all the lawyers do much better with if…
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Highly sensitive person or hsp

Are you highly sensitive? See if this resonates for you

Are you or your child ‘too sensitive’?  Remember to say thanks! [ctt title=”As a child I was often told I was \’too sensitive\’ or \’too imaginative\’.” tweet=”As a child I was often told I was ‘too sensitive’ or ‘too imaginative’. http://ctt.ec/4XneN+ @SarahsEnergy” coverup=”4XneN”] I had deep and powerful emotional – and sometimes physical – responses to…
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