Empath Moms and Children

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Empath Moms and Children

empath moms

empath moms

Empathy – being empathic

Meaning from the Urban Dictionary – A person who is capable of feeling the emotions of others despite the fact that they themselves are not going through the same situation.

Empath Mom work on a Saturday morning

So after a busy week my girls get up this morning and start the pressure.  “Let’s watch the movie we saw last night (again)”. It was a great movie.

Oh…but then there’s the promises my older daughter made about getting her homework done on a Saturday morning…and frankly the younger one needs a shower.

Then there’s the to-do list

  1. housecleaning
  2. yard work
  3. weekly food shop
  4. laundry.

THAT to-do list never goes away.

The Resentment starts to build and as an Empath Mom I really feel it

I think to myself

…and I have creative work of my own I’d love to do – why should it go on the back burner?


I’ve played mom taxi all week and worked at my own job, plus i made the packed lunches, cleaned up, volunteered at school, cooked dinner and tidied my arms off.


Today is the day I stop being the empath mom and sponge!

I push back the heavy energy I’m feeling from my children. As women we’re often taught to absorb it and keep the peace…and the resentment builds.

I breathe and remember…

empath mom
Louise Hay says

“Cancer is the result of resentment, long held within the body”.

Christiane Northrup OBGYN, MD says

“PMS is the result of the times when we can’t give back to ourselves during the rest of the month”.

empath mom
I say no to any more of that energetic build-up – I am an empath…yet I can learn to identify what is my stuff and choose what I feel.

My oldest is now doing her homework and the youngest is on her second shower…since the first time she decided that washing her hair wasn’t required – wet the ends and mom might not notice. I noticed.

Being an empath mom is a gift – and sometimes a struggle, even a curse

I will not take on my children’s feelings and feel it for them, mop up for them, make their life easier – just because I can feel it so intensely.

Empath moms need to set boundaries more than most!

I plan on showing my kids my extensive selection of homeopathic remedies. “If you have a stuck feeling – use Overwhelm – it will open the heart and mind and get the energy moving”.

They can use yoga to stretch their bodies…they can use deep breathing and run around the garden 5 times when they are mad. It’s really up to them.

What I won’t allow and can’t have anymore is the silent projection of their energy at me…so that I soak it up and feel it for them. It’s not good for my health!

The Empath Mom Archetype

I wonder how many other Empath Moms are out there…what and how much negative energy you have been soaking up for your children or partners? It may be one of those Agreements that you didn’t realize you had made.

Did you realize some of these feelings may come from the fact that your being is soaked in patriarchal energy?

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21 Responses

  1. Liska says:

    Being an empath is something I struggle with daily. It is my biggest weakness, but when I am balanced, it is my biggest strength. Glad to know I am not alone in this struggle.
    Liska xx

    • Liska

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. Empaths feel so much! Yet we are here to heal and to help others heal also.

      I’m working on balance and empowerment too!

      Let’s keep at it.


      • Kalia says:

        I am an empath and did not know what was “wrong” for sometime now. But i am healing from all the pain i have gone through from the past few years. Hoping me and my kids will really benefit from all that i am learning. I am only 22 yr. old a stay at home mom to 4 kids and a man who all say mommy is too sensitive 😔

        • I sent Kalia an email about this. I suggested she start with Dr Judith Orloff’s empath group on Facebook, to validate what she is going through. I suggested a few more steps and you’ll see them in a blog post soon!

  2. Jessie Jean says:

    Hi Sarah
    I am an Empath also, but it wasn’t until I read this that I put two and two together! You are so totally right!!
    I have two boys that love to challenge me and now I understand why I am so drained. I have been taking on board their emotions as my own. I guess as a Mum this is just so easy to do, because of course we want to love and nurture our children. I can see now the relationship Empathy and mothering have.
    It has its benefits too, of course, because I know my babies so well. But I am now going to choose not to take on board emotions that I don’t need and regain the energy I’ve been lacking.
    Namaste x

    • Hi Jesse

      Happy to hear that this post resonates. I have felt a lot better since I have come to this realization. We can be energetic and still support our children too…in fact, it’s better for them to see us that way.

      Woo hoo!


  3. ROSE says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I am an emotional empath. My three sons test me everyday. I find that cutting psychic ties and clearing my energy field each morning and night has helped my energy levels profoundly. Being in nature also helps me release heavy energy.

  4. Lawyermama says:

    I came upon this as I look for solutions in taking on my 3yo’s energetic and constant attention demands, temper tantrums and mood swings. I am definitely an empath in need of guidance regarding how to put up those emotional boundaries so I don’t absorb hers! When I’ve had time to recharge my batteries, I’m much better at this, but what about the times when I just can’t recharge? (I have a helpful spouse but no other family, babysitters, neighbors, etc so sometimes recharging isn’t possible for awhile). Thanks so much for this article, it helps to just know I’m not alone!

  5. LeaAt says:

    I needed this. Motherhood was becoming too frustrating. Felt like all my family does is take, and take and take. Time to set boundaries.

  6. Amanda Floyd says:

    I’m new to the knowledge that I’m an empath, I have found so much relief in finally finding an answer on whats “wrong” with me, however I’m having a hard time with finding it to be a gift, as everyone near me drains me, definitely my children. I’m wondering if anyone else has pushed their children away, as a defense mechanism. I feel so bad about being so emotionally detached from them, but it seems like I found that to be my escape from the draining emotions. I literally would rather not be around them than to be forced into complete drainage. I’m struggling. Their dad gets them a lot and of course I can pick up on their emotions when they’re with him still, but it seems to help when they aren’t physically present. Also, my oldest son is showing similar signs of being an empath and it literally drives me crazy dealing with him. One day he was at school and I picked him up and he said “mom, sometimes at school I hear you say my name”, and it just so happened that day, I spent a lot of time talking about him. I love my kids, please don’t mistake that but I’ve nearly managed to shut down emotions as a defense. Please tell me I’m not alone.

    • Sarah Lawrence Hinson says:

      Hi Amanda

      You are definitely not alone! My two kids were 17 months apart and I went through some time thinking I must not be cut out for motherhood with the amount of overwhelm I experienced. It’s tough on anyone moving from just managing the self in adulthood to parenthood as well. If you are empathic or Highly Sensitive or both, then it’s doubly hard. The truth is, as empaths, HSPs, sensitive intuitives, or energy workers (whatever you want to call our type) we do often get quite drained. It got to the point with me where my two understood that mom needed some break time to function. So that in my case was where the tv came in. Not all the time, but when I needed it. Thank goodness for Dora the Explorer! Yes, it’s possible you have children who are Indigo or Crystal kids (see pages at top of this site for definitions) and that is a whole lot more work too.

      I’m not going to say it’s easy, because it isn’t. Three things you can start doing right away

      1. Meditate daily, even for a few minutes. I found Autogenics to be a great help for energetic overwhelm. (Search for autogenics on this site, you’ll find the article).
      2. Try some Flower Essences, such as Rescue Remedy (from any Health Food Store), for a week, and see if it helps. Us sensitives have a tendency to feel drained from the adrenals out because we can go into fight or flight more easily, too much adrenaline, and then we are drained.
      3. Make sure you have somewhere you can go just to be quiet and feel the edges of your energy. Even if it’s hiding in the car, the garage…I go to the bathroom quite a bit, and not always to use it!

      If you’d like further help, an Akashic Records Reading can help explain how things are for both you and your kids spiritually speaking. I’m also thinking it’s time for an online course for Empath Moms!

      In the light


    • Brittany. says:

      I’m so incredibly relieved to read these things from other people. I am just beginning to learn about empaths and realizing that it all makes a lot of sense about who I am! I have 3 kids and 1 on the way. I love my kids. I think they are amazing human beings but they drain me! I feel on edge and chaotic being around them. I often need breaks from them to recharge my sanity(that’s what it feels like). There’s a ton of information out there about empaths. Where is a good place for me to start? I tend to get overwhelmed when so much info is available. Once again, I’m so thankful to have come across everyone’s stories and come to a realization that it might not be that I’m not cut out to be a mom after all!

  7. Brypie says:

    I’m on the beginning of my journey of wondering if I’m a bit of an empath so all this is new to me. But a lot of it is making sense. I don’t fit all the empath traits but I definitely think I have a bit.
    Recently I’m a ball of anxiousness in regards to my son and his emotions and I wonder if it’s partly cuz I’m taking them on.

    • Hi Bryony,

      It can be tricky to figure out ‘whos stuff’ you are feeling when it comes to a child, our energy is already so enmeshed with theirs! First things first, what has happened recently that has made you more anxious about your son and his emotions. Children have to go through a fair few trials and tribulations as they grow. Empath moms and dads often do more than our fair share of helicoptering emotionally speaking. Make sure you are giving him emotional space and not projecting something from your past into him. Give yourself a breather, and check again. It’s possible that you are taking on his emotions. We do this to protect but the irony is we are not helping our children when we do this!

  8. I was looking up “being an empath mom” because I am always exhausted, physically hurting, and irritable. I have a 14 month old who 10 minutes ago was thrashing about not letting me change her diaper, then when that was sorted she was finally happy but somehow tripped on her pant leg and went down face first. The sound of her cries and the physical resistance when she doesn’t want something literally fuses into my body. Then I decided it was time for her nap (Hence her over reacting), so we nurse which is more energy sucking, and she goes down. She won’t go to sleep and so I feel her resistance and frustration again. And so it goes on and on…

    How do you be a mom as an empath? Especially to a baby who thinks you are a literal extension of them? She believes her sadness is my sadness too, just as much as I do. How do you protect yourself when you are actually woken up by her screams with zero time to protect against them?

    • Sarah Lawrence says:

      Hi Ashley

      Thank you for commenting. As an Empath, I know how painful child raising can be when we can feel every sob, scream and cry, as well as every wondrous chuckle, roll and cuddle, twice as much sometimes as a non-empath mom.

      Here are three resources I promote for Empaths. I hope they help you. Perhaps it’s time I wrote a more expanded post for empath moms! http://momonaspiritualjourney.com/top-3-resources-for-empaths

  9. Danielle says:

    I am really struggling with finding a balance in my home. I’m an empath also, and have found myself suffering from adrenal fatigue. I know times are hard for everyone, my… I’m reluctant to call him partner, my boyfriend and father of my children, is working from 7 am to 7 or 8 at night, so it feels like I’m alone and NEVER alone with my 2 and 1 yr old. I try to make the time to take care of myself, but it’s never a guarantee that I get it and I’m often overwhelmed and frustrated, and rather than being my naturally compassionate loving self I have become impatient, disconnected, resentful, and selfish with my time. When I’m sick I have no support system, and it ends up taking me longer to bounce back, and even longer to get back on schedule with the home-work. Ive developed trust issues with my self because of the lack of self care.

    I have thought so many times it might be easier to do it all myself than to be expecting and support and being disappointed and then building on that already present resentment.

  10. Holy cow Sarah. You hit in right on the nail. I just recently revisited how I am an empath and it could be the reason to all my inability to control my overwhelm and anxiety. I have been taking on all of my special needs childs’ emotions for 11 years now. Plus my 2.5 year olds’ tantrums and my husbands’ negativity and my mothers’ issues, my dads’ issues, my friends’ issues, my patients’ issues (I’m a nurse) and so on. Geez. I’m tired just writing this all out. Wow. now that I see it written, holy cow I have taken ALOT for WAY too long. Well, pretty much my whole life. Not just the last 11 years. Thank you for writing this article. It helps to know that I’m not alone and that being an empath and not taking care of myself has put me in my current situation. But with Gods’ help, I will move forward! 😀

    • peoplechange2 says:


      Are you my daughter? I’m serious.

      I’m an Empath, she seems to be going through (exactly) what you are and Ive already been there did that.

      What goes on with her goes right straight to me. Everything emotional, pain, you name it.

      Thank God not her sex life except when she feels guilty. Not the act but I know.

      I wonder if she is because what you said told her story (and mine as far as that goes).

      If she is, oh my what a vicious cycle, and I don’t know what to do about it.

      If she’s not, she’ll tag me ” batsh**crazy”,,,,again and again I don’t know what to do about it because my own pain is eating me alive.

      I’m scared to tell her about me and i don’t know how to check if she is.

      For heavens sake I’m a psychotherapist. Wowser that’s a whole ‘nother trip on its own!

      She’s paranoid about being around me alone because she knows I can practically read her mind.. Always have,

      I don’t blame her! Now what?

  11. Lisa says:

    I am an empath and so are my kids and husband. Not sure how this happened lol. It’s a crazy life. We figured out a bit ago however this week..it’s come.to face. Unfortunately I can’t hide my emotions or feelings as my whole family absorb it and I absorb theirs. It’s awful. I haven’t been able to work because as soon as stress happens I can’t function but worst my family gets sick and they don’t function. One son can’t leave my house the other is possibly getting rashes. One is quiet the other explosive. It’s been an interesting week. And it’s calming down as I am trying to tell my boss I can’t continue. I feel like. I have to be a robot. No extreme emotions at all which I am. Tired of trying to hide. I am.allowed to be happy if I want.but not to happy because my family can’t handle it. We are learning to deal but without an income for.me it’s hard to be able to do extra things.every time I get a job this happens. I love my kids I empathize with them and I know what they need. It’s hard to take care of myself though which I have been told repeatedly I need. I try to take time for myself I have been learning to play the harp but only renting it. This job was going to allow me to buy oNE. For.me it’s helped me.stay grounded and alive. I also know my kids can’t handle school so I have wanted to homeschooling them but haven’t yet. As long as the house is calm they make it but if it’s not calm that’s it.lol ahhh. Sorry thanks for listening. I hate being unreliable but family comes first.

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