Yoga creates antioxidants and tight buns

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Yoga creates antioxidants and tight buns

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Yoga creates antioxidants – it’s good for your health

Yoga IS good for your health. I started practicing yoga over 20 years ago now. I’ve not been a regular practitioner but practiced yoga in phases.

Last year I committed to a more serious practice – here’s a post for yoga beginners and restarters if you are thinking of doing the same.

As anyone who has practiced yoga for a little while will tell you, it’s a challenge. It challenges your body of course yet it also challenges your thinking, your mental capacities (I put my hand where now??) has you moving in non-Western ways which are so great for posture and regularly works on your ego.

There’s a fun quote going around online that goes

Yoga practice isn’t about getting tight buns – it’s about getting your head out of your ass.


Ego workout

My ego gets a constant workout at yoga. If I’m not careful, I start looking at other people and myself in the mirror and getting antsy.  The internal dialogue starts up…

They are doing so much better than me. I am the biggest woman here. There’s no way I’ll EVER be able to balance like that.


Then somehow I managed to giggle at myself, get back into myself, concentrate on my breathing, my chi, and my driste (unfocused gaze), and get on with it. My balance poses are getting a lot better.

I get sick less often when I practice yoga

I have been noticing this. When I regularly practice yoga, I hardly ever catch a cold/flu strange unwell thing that other people are complaining about. I believe it’s because my vital force or chi is more active and therefore so is my immune system.

And I’m right! In this month’s yoga journal only yesterday I read that practicing yoga creates antioxidants!

“Why might yogis get sick less often? Antioxidants.

Twelve weeks of yoga led to higher levels of disease-fighting antioxidants compared with running, cycling and jumping rope according to a new study in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine.

While we usually Think of antioxidants coming solely from nutrient-dense foods, the body also naturally produces compounds with antioxidant properties like glutathione, an antioxidant important for immune support.”

As somebody who is working through gallbladder and liver issues, glutathione is very important to me, so the fact that I am doing yoga is an added bonus on this healing journey.

The US yoga movement is growing!  More doctors are also beginning to recommend yoga and meditation practices to help support good health.

And we get tight buns, too!



Sarah is an Intuitive Coach and Akashic Records Reader.  You can download the brochure listing all 12 Readings she offers, and contact her here at the Client Portal.

2 Responses

  1. […] Yoga can be all of that if it helps you. It can be so much more!! Certainly, yoga has grown over the centuries and during the last 30 years in the USA, becoming an international pastime. Hell, even doctors recommend it now because regular yoga practice can reduce blood pressure, increase flexibility and even produce antioxidants in the body. […]

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