Angelic Energy and the Akashic Records

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

oracle cards

Angelic Readings using Oracle Cards and Intuitive Skills

Have you ever sensed a loving presence around you and can’t explain it?  Or perhaps you’ve had a direct experience of an Angelic presence or angel energy in some way?  What is the meaning of sensing angel energy?

Then an Akashic Records Reading with Angel Oracle Cards may be for you to help answer some of these questions.

How I first connected with Angelic Energy

My first conscious experience of angel energy was having the strangest vision of a hooded figure beside my bed.   This started happening around 1998 and continued for quite a few years.

It was the classic ‘Angel of Death’ Figure, I would wake up from sleep and there it would be — a vision of angelic energy which seemed somewhat scary.

I remember being so distressed by it one time that I waved and flapped my hands around to get rid of the angel energy.  I did this through the image that I saw in an attempt to make it go away!   (It didn’t leave quickly, just stayed there for a while and then faded slowly).

Then the Angelic Energy started to shift…

As my spiritual journey continued to unfold, this image of angel energy seemed to lose its intensity and would appear in a more ‘comical’ frame, such as a bony hand on my shoulder (visible with my psychic eye), and translated itself into a spirit guide called Ashok who was really quite irreverent.

His robes turned from black to brown and he would regularly disco dance across my vision.  Oh well, naught so strange as the psychic world, that’s for sure.  🙂

Finally, I did some intensive work with a psychic in Maryland.

Once I moved to Wichita, I went through a period of training with a Shaman in Wichita.  After I mentioned the angel to the Shaman, ‘Ashok’ changed to ‘Azrael’, known classically as the ‘Angel of Death’.

I prefer the reference ‘Angel of Transition’ since I believe Azrael is one of the Angels with the toughest job out there.  He helps us to transition our energy through the veil onto our next journey.

This angel energy is now very familiar to me. I came up with the idea of asking him to take his hood off!  He complied, and now that I can see his face, I’m much more comfortable when we connect.

Archangel Michael, a Maryland psychic, and Doreen Virtue

Around the same time that Ashok started to transform, I was introduced to the Angel of Protection, Archangel Michael, and the concept of the White Brotherhood through a Maryland Psychic.

She introduced me to the space-clearing exercise introduced in the West by Machaelle Small Wright and my psychic awareness began expanding further.

Finally, I became interested in the wonderful body of work created by Doreen Virtue to help interpret angel energy’s meaning.

I read her book “How to Hear Your Angels” amongst others she has published, and then around 2010 I downloaded a podcast of Doreen’s which describes each Archangel and how to connect with each energy using a guided meditation.

Before each podcast actually started, just the music played and before Doreen started talking, I would ‘see’ each Angel as described in the following podcast, right down to perceived gender, the color of energy, the manner of dress, and the angelic energy.

Since then I have continued to meditate on the nature of Angelic Energy and recently completed Doreen’s online course as a Certified Angel Card Reader™.

Interested in an Akashic Records Reading with Oracle Cards?

I offer online card readings as part of my services.

Card Readings are one of the most ancient of divination skills, made more accessible to us with Doreen’s excellent Angel Oracle Card Series.

  • The Angel Tarot Cards work just as accurately as the other types of Tarot, imprinted with the gentler energy of the Angels and the wisdom that they share.

Examples of other Angel decks that may be included with your reading (up to three per reading if appropriate) are

  • Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards
  • Life Purpose Oracle Cards
  • The Romance Angels Oracle Cards
  • Ascended Masters Oracle Cards
  • Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards
  • Angel Therapy Oracle Cards®
  • Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards
  • Angel Therapy® Meditations


angelic energy angel energy

To have an Akashic Records Reading, you must be over 18 years of age.

Book a reading with Sarah today

Download your free PDF – 5 ways to get the most out of a reading