Dark Archetypes or Life Themes from Past Lives

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

What are dark archetypes from the perspective of the Akashic Records? Think of them as collective patterns of behavior we have all had to adopt at one time or another just in order to survive. Choose the Dark Archetype that most resonates with you from this list as part of the exercises in the free email learning series.

Life Lessons, Themes or Dark Archetypes

Using your Chakra Authority, Centered and Calibrated Energy and the power of your subconscious mind – pick one Dark Theme list below.

There are 24 of each – pick the one that resonates the most with you.

Pick a Dark Theme to connect with Life Lessons or Themes from a Past Life.

Once you have picked a theme from here, use this link to select your Light Archetype Theme.

Feel free to message me here at the client portal with your results, and any questions you may have.

Pick one from 24 Dark Themes or Life Lessons

Pick the Dark Life Archetype you most resonate with by reading all the names first, then select the right-facing white arrow next to the most resonant one to read the details.

By the way, reading your Dark Life Theme might be a little ‘ouchy’. You may even feel somewhat emotional when you read it. It’s OK!

We’ve all lived many lives, which have given us many opportunities to do thinks we may later regret or wish we hadn’t done.

Identifying our Dark Life theme or themes can be an empowering process of self-growth. Nobody ever said incarnation would be easy.

Dark Life Themes

1. The Don Juan (romancer)

2. The Gambler

3. The Saboteur (self-destructive)

4. The Rescuer

5. The Femme Fatale (romancer)

6. The Hedonist (pleasure for pleasure’s sake)

7. The Victim (feeling sorry for oneself)

8. The Trickster

9. The Child: Orphan

10. The Thief

11. The Exorcist

12. The Miser

13. The Martyr

14. The Vampire

15. The Shapeshifter

16. The Servant

17. The Destroyer

18. The Addict

19. The Beggar

20. The Dilettante (being superficial)

21. The Wounded Child

22. The Bully

23. The Gossip

24. The Slave

Once you have picked a theme from the list above, use this link to select your Light Archetype Theme>>

Dark Life Archetype Themes inspired by Caroline Myss’ Archetype Cards deck.