Choosing a Crystal for yourself or others | The power of crystal work | Using crystals on your Spiritual Journey

Choosing a crystal for yourself or others
Quite a few people ask me ‘How do I go about choosing a crystal?’
I’ve experienced a few different ways, all very powerful and meaningful as I move forward on the spiritual/mystical journey.
Crystals are beautiful and unusual to look at, even before you consider the energetic approach and think of using them for crystal healing.
Crystals are important in energy work and energy healing – choosing a crystal for yourself is self-care
If you are drawn to working with crystals, then they will start appearing as if by magic!
Either through gifting, synchronicity or seeing the perfect crystal in a store you ‘just happened’ to walk past, you will become a crystal owner.
In one store in Belgium, I walked into a store with a friend and saw several rainbow obsidian pendants in a cabinet. As I bent over for a closer look one of the pendants started to spin and quiver, causing the assistant in the store some consternation – neither of us were touching the cabinet! That was the crystal for me. I’ve worn it for many years, especially to keep me grounded when working with groups.
Signs to look out for when choosing a crystal
Here are some suggested ways to go about choosing a crystal
- Meditate and ask for the image of a crystal you are supposed to have either for yourself or a friend
- Walk by a crystal store and ‘fling’ your gaze in the window, often the first crystal you look at is the one for you
- If the crystal is for healing purposes either for yourself or another – think of the illness or malady and then write down a list of crystals you think may help – you can always check out your intuitions by looking up the details in a book or online! You’ll learn a lot and be even more intrigued about the world of crystals, I guarantee it.
- If gifting a crystal (e.g. choosing a crystal for a friend), ask which crystal from your collection would be the right one. I’ve had immediate visual images using this technique, although sometimes it’s been hard to let the crystal go, I trust my inner guidance 🙂
- Sometimes a crystal or rock will simply make itself known when you are out walking in nature – I have several like this too.
Working with crystals – some recommended resources
Here’s some recommended reading to get you started with the world of crystal work and crystal healing.
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8 Responses
Crystal Healing is an alternative technique that uses stones and crystals in order to heal the mind or body….i am also using this technique and its start giving positive results…
I also use different crystals to heal my mind and body. I tried to use onyx and aquamarine. It always lessen my stress.
Love the story about how the rainbow obsidian started to spin… I think I would have freaked out a little bit 🙂 It definitely wanted to grab your attention!
It definitely did Karin – and I still have it to this day!
I’ve also had crystals call me from across a street – it’s definitely worth acting when the ‘call’ happens.
Thanks for dropping by
I’ve been using crystals for decades, for healing, protection, to direct my energy, and simply to look at, feel, and enjoy. I have learned over the years that the best way for me to choose a crystal is not with my eyes but by closing my eyes and feeling its energy. I don’t touch the stone but rather let my hands hover over it until I find one that literally draws my energy to it. Has anyone else done this? I might add that I have two adult Indigos and my male Indigo has a Crystal Child, who I am raising. What an honor and privilege.
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