Category: Energy Psychology and Energy Work

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

become self-aware

How to Become More Self Aware Through Your Success Potentials

Become more self-aware by learning how to focus on specific areas of your energy. Learn more about your personality, the impression you give, and how you communicate. How best to step into leadership? Time to meet your energetic Success Potentials!

human design type

A simple way to understand your Human Design Type

There’s a lot to learn in Human Design, so it’s best to start simple and just get to grips with your Human Design Type. The 5 Human Design Types If you have come across Human Design, you will know that there are 5 different Human Design Types: – Your chart has been created from 5…
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find your destiny

Find Your Destiny Using the Sacred Destiny Cards by Denise Linn

How can we find our destiny in the modern world when there are so many opportunities out there? Learn about the 5 specific energies to invoke, then align the themes that come through in this card reading. This will help you to begin to interpret your current life destiny path. This example reading uses Denise…
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manifesting generators

Celebrity profile – Why Manifesting Generators Have Powerful Throat Chakras

On Fridays, I enjoy getting the People Magazine, since it’s about one of my favorite interests, the nature of people! On the back page of the People Magazine, there’s a ‘One last thing’ article every week. This article is an interview short with the same 5 questions each week for a different celebrity. Using Carrie…
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what is a human design reading

10 Fascinating Things About Human Design

Have you heard about Human Design yet? Do you know what your type is, and how your Human Design can help you set goals, have more energy and make better decisions?

Then it’s probably time for a Human Design Reading – but what is that? Read on to learn more.

becoming a mentor

Becoming a Mentor – channel your Spirit Guides for help

Learn about becoming a Mentor. The Student to Mentor cycle has been channeled through Caroline Myss’s beautiful Archetype cards. Enjoy the podcast, download the shownotes including pictures of the cards for reference!

pluto in aquarius 2023

What is the influence of the Age of Aquarius on Humanity?

We are now in the Aquarian Age, an era of (r)evolution! From the perspective of Human Design, how will this energy affect you and the decisions you make for the future? Find out with this reading.

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life purpose

Not sure about your Life Purpose? Do this to begin

How can we discover our Life Purpose? And, more importantly, how can we actualize it in this lifetime?

Sarah talks about her journey with Human Design to date, and how learning her Life Purpose is helping her to clarify directionality in her life. Learn more and discover how a Life Purpose Reading may be able to help you on your journey.

energy bodies

Your Seven Energy Bodies – podcast

This month on the podcast, I’m going to be talking about our Personal Energy and our Personal Energy Bodies.  These bodies comprise something people talk about or speak about as our aura.

Listen in and see the infographic to learn more about our Energy Bodies and why we are all so different!

DNA healing

Why DNA Healing is Important For Our Health And Wellness

What do we know about DNA so far, what is DNA healing, and what can we do about it at the individual level?

DNA and research on the human genome has become a huge part of our drive towards healing, both in spiritual circles, and in the medical world. What can we do as individuals to begin to become aware of our DNA, and to begin to heal past traumas that are held in our DNA from past lifetimes?

human design manifestor

How To know If I’m a Human Design Manifestor?

Think of your Human Design Chart as a big clock with two snapshots in time.  One 88 days before you were born, and the other when you were actually born.

Your Gates, Chakras, Planetary influences, Life Force Channels, and Codons 88 days before your birth are considered to be your Design.  This Design can reveal your subconscious motivations, purpose, and focus in this life.

human design readings

How does your Aura work?

Like many people, my first experience of seeing my aura was with a photograph.  I have this blobby photograph of my aura from years ago in a drawer somewhere!

It was interesting at the time, but I can’t really remember much about it.  How can learning about auras really be helpful to us?

There is so much information out there on the spiritual journey, it’s hard to know sometimes what to work on next!

A few months ago, I decided to get my Human Design Chart and see how it relates to all the spiritual and energetic practices I have researched and embodied over the last 20 years.

It turns out, Human Design is a great system to help us understand our Auras, and what happens when we merge our energy with other people.

Human Design can also help us validate our personality and our natural inclinations.