Akashic Records Readings Brochure

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

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12 Akashic Records Reading Brochure


If you would like to download the Akashic Records Reading brochure listing all 12 readings in detail, click this link. Akashic Records Readings Brochure

Don’t want to look at a brochure on your phone?  See a phone-friendly page listing all 12 readings at a tap, click here>>


More about the different Akashic Records Readings

Often people book readings to ask a list of general questions that they have.  That is often very helpful if you just want a general reading.

If you like having general readings done with cards, you can also book an Akashic Tarot Reading

This enables you to ask about present life situations using a card deck (I recommend the Akashic Tarot deck, but have several others that I regularly use, ask and see if I have your favorite!).

Are you having a spiritual awakening?  Start with the Soul Star Reading, then follow with the Soul Purpose or Spirit Guide Reading

Often, though, people are having an awakening to their Akashic Records and past lives, which is where specific types of readings can be extremely helpful and enlightening.  If you are having an awakening and want a full experience of your Akashic Records, then the Soul Star Reading is the place to start.

I refer to the Soul Star Reading as the ‘motherlode’ and recommend it for any client as a starting point.  A lot of people book a general reading, and then come back and book the Soul Star Reading too!

If you are ready to open to your Higher Self and your intuition, this is where the Soul Purpose Reading and Spirit Guide Reading can both be so helpful.

The Soul Purpose Reading reveals your Primary Life Lesson, Soul Specialization, and the strength of your connection to your intuition, or Higher Self.

The Spirit Guide Reading connects you with your Inner Circle Guides.  They are your spiritual ‘A’ team and can help you with everyday issues.  Working with your Spirit Guides can help you understand how your intuition works!

Some people like to work through all three readings in a short period.  If that’s you, then you can get a saving on all three readings with this package.


So, that’s the first 3 readings out of 12, in a nutshell.  To see more about the other readings in detail, just download the Akashic Records Readings brochure below, or to see all 12 Readings on one page on your phone, tap here>>


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