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Give an EMF Seated Session

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Energy Exercise for May 22nd through the Client Portal

This month’s energy exercise is an opportunity for you to see the EMF Balancing Technique® seated session in 3D, now available on Youtube!.

Once you have watched it, maybe you will consider giving this session to a family member or friend!

5 years giving EMF Balancing Technique® Sessions to clients

I originally learned about the EMF Balancing Technique® from Peggy Phoenix Dubro in Newport Beach, CA, as a student of one of her introductory workshops in 2003.

After that, I continued my study of all the phases of the work, from Phase I up to XVIII, and began to give EMF Sessions to clients.

I continued to give sessions regularly for several years after that, both in Maryland where I lived from 2005-2008, and then in Wichita, KS for a few more years after that.

In 2010, I found myself having a huge energetic opening to the Akashic Records.  I believe some of this opening was due to the fact that I had given so many energy sessions using the EMF Balancing Technique®.

The back fibers of the Lattice relate to our Past Lives!

While giving a lot of energy sessions for clients using this technique, I began to have experiences of seeing clients’ other lives.

With this technique, we are taught to accept these experiences, but not to be attached to them or see them in any major way as significant.

As practitioners, this enables us to run the Universal Energy clearly and well and create a good outcome for the client.

The back fibers of the Universal Calibration Lattice, or Field, contain our Akashic history.  I believe working with these back fibers over time resulted in the Akashic opening I had in 2010.

This month, try an EMF Balancing Technique seated session for yourself with a friend or family member


Here is the video, linked from Peggy’s Youtube Channel.

My suggestion for this month’s Energy Exercise to try out the session with a friend or family member.

I’d love to hear about your results.

Lots of light
