Category: Akashic Records

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

mintakan starseed

Are You a Mintakan Starseed? How to Learn More About Your Soul Group

What is a Mintakan Starseed, Starseeds in general – and how can you learn more about your Soul Group of Origination? Have the Soul Star reading to learn more. What is a Starseed? A Starseed is a Soul that has experienced other lives away from the Earth’s Solar System. What is a Mintakan Starseed? I…
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sirian starseeds

How To Attune To Sirian Starseeds Energy, And Origins?

What is a Sirian Starseed? A Sirian Starseed is a Wanderer Soul. Its origins or first lives began in the Star System of Sirius. There are lots of Sirian Starseeds currently incarnated on Earth. I have met quite a few of them through giving my Soul Star Readings. During these readings, I work with a…
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Why so many people are tuning into Starseed Energy

What is a Starseed and why do a lot of people identify themselves as Starseeds?

Read more to find out – perhaps you are someone who feels you are not from around here, and you are wondering if you are a Starseed?

akashic records and human design

Akashic Records and Human Design – the link – February 2023 Podcast

How do the Akashic Records and Human Design connect with each other? How can this deepen our understanding of our Soul Purpose and Life Purpose on the Spiritual Journey? These are some of the questions that I attempt to begin answering in this month’s podcast.

mom on a spiritual journey podcast

Aura merges, Full Moon and Soul Stories January 2023 Podcast

Welcome to my January 2023 Podcast! This month, I discuss the influence of people with dominant or abusive type auras, the strength of the 2023 Full Moon, and pull 3 cards for this month’s Soul Story.

healer in a past life

3 Signs You Were a Healer in a Past Life How to Know

Do you ever wonder if you were a healer in a past life? It’s more common than people think, because in the past healers came in all shapes and sizes, and their abilities to help people were not limited to having a medical degree.

new moon card spread

How To Read The Akashic Tarot New Moon Card Spread

How to do a new moon or full moon card spread with the Akashic Tarot card deck. I hope you enjoy how the insights were reached from this reading, and that perhaps it will inspire you to do your own card work for planning or reflection. Akashic Tarot readings also available here!

soul groups

Soul Groups in the Akashic Records – February 2022 Podcast

It’s February 22nd, 2022 and I’m talking about Soul Groups! I’m sure many of you are enjoying today’s date, there are also 22 Oversouls, so I thought it would be a great day to talk about Soul Groups. Since this is an auspicious date, I created a short podcast today with a guide on a…
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life lessons

3 examples of Life Lessons and how can they help you

What are life lessons? In this post Sarah goes deeper into the nature of life lessons, and how they can help us to evolve and grow from the Soul level perspective.

soul level perspectives

How to learn more about Soul Levels of Consciousness

How can we shift our perspectives more easily? A little help from our Soul level perspective can change our view of the world in extremely helpful ways.

what is my soul purpose

What is my Soul Purpose? Learn to tune into your Soul’s energy

What is my Soul Purpose? This question is one of the most common questions I get from new clients.

One of the ways to get closer to the answer is to have a Soul Purpose Reading with Sarah. This post throws a spotlight on the reading to help you understand how it works. Learning about our Soul Purpose can take time because it’s a complex question.

However, locating certain types of information is extremely straightforward if you know how!

sarah lawrence interviews

Latest interviews with Sarah Lawrence

Three of the latest interviews with Sarah Lawrence, Youtube, a blog post and a Podcast! Here are three interviews that were created between 2020-2021. These 3 different interviews will give you an insight into the work that I do. If you are interested in booking an Akashic Records reading you can learn a lot more…
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