Category: Spirituality

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

mintakan starseed

Are You a Mintakan Starseed? How to Learn More About Your Soul Group

What is a Mintakan Starseed, Starseeds in general – and how can you learn more about your Soul Group of Origination? Have the Soul Star reading to learn more. What is a Starseed? A Starseed is a Soul that has experienced other lives away from the Earth’s Solar System. What is a Mintakan Starseed? I…
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beauty of mediumship

How To Experience The Beauty Of Mediumship After Loss

What is the beauty of mediumship? It can help us to gain a new perspective on the loss of a Loved One, create a new understanding around a life situation, and give us hope when we need a motivator to carry on positively with our lives. What is mediumship? The dictionary definition of mediumship is:…
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sirian starseeds

How To Attune To Sirian Starseeds Energy, And Origins?

What is a Sirian Starseed? A Sirian Starseed is a Wanderer Soul. Its origins or first lives began in the Star System of Sirius. There are lots of Sirian Starseeds currently incarnated on Earth. I have met quite a few of them through giving my Soul Star Readings. During these readings, I work with a…
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spiritual signs

5 ways to Pay Attention to Spiritual Signs to Change Your Life for the Better

What is a spiritual sign, or a spiritual awakening sign? Signs like this are validation that our wishes, desires, and spiritual connections are being reflected back to us. Energies in the outer world are sending us a message. When we see a sign, it’s very validating. Definition of a spiritual sign A spiritual sign is…
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what is a human design reading

10 Fascinating Things About Human Design

Have you heard about Human Design yet? Do you know what your type is, and how your Human Design can help you set goals, have more energy and make better decisions?

Then it’s probably time for a Human Design Reading – but what is that? Read on to learn more.

human design incarnation cross

Living out our Human Design Incarnation Cross of Eden in a meaningful way

In this month’s podcast, I’m talking about the Human Design Incarnation Cross or Life Purpose of Eden. Both myself and my dad have this incarnation cross or Life Purpose. Read the show notes, or listen to the podcast for more!

Would you like to know your own incarnation cross or life purpose through Human Design? Check out the article for a link to create your own chart, or to ask for a free chart interpretation from Sarah.


Why so many people are tuning into Starseed Energy

What is a Starseed and why do a lot of people identify themselves as Starseeds?

Read more to find out – perhaps you are someone who feels you are not from around here, and you are wondering if you are a Starseed?

third eye opening by Callie Hinson

Opening the Third Eye – 3 Ways to Sense and See Powerful Soul Energy

Are you interested in opening your Third Eye? Often, it’s easy to get excited about this concept, but it’s important to understand the consequences and consider the work involved.

Read on to learn more if this is an aim for you on the Spiritual Journey.

becoming a mentor

Becoming a Mentor – channel your Spirit Guides for help

Learn about becoming a Mentor. The Student to Mentor cycle has been channeled through Caroline Myss’s beautiful Archetype cards. Enjoy the podcast, download the shownotes including pictures of the cards for reference!

pluto in aquarius 2023

What is the influence of the Age of Aquarius on Humanity?

We are now in the Aquarian Age, an era of (r)evolution! From the perspective of Human Design, how will this energy affect you and the decisions you make for the future? Find out with this reading.

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life purpose

Not sure about your Life Purpose? Do this to begin

How can we discover our Life Purpose? And, more importantly, how can we actualize it in this lifetime?

Sarah talks about her journey with Human Design to date, and how learning her Life Purpose is helping her to clarify directionality in her life. Learn more and discover how a Life Purpose Reading may be able to help you on your journey.

DNA healing

Why DNA Healing is Important For Our Health And Wellness

What do we know about DNA so far, what is DNA healing, and what can we do about it at the individual level?

DNA and research on the human genome has become a huge part of our drive towards healing, both in spiritual circles, and in the medical world. What can we do as individuals to begin to become aware of our DNA, and to begin to heal past traumas that are held in our DNA from past lifetimes?