What is Energetic Projection And Why Do We Project Our Energy

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

What is Energetic Projection And Why Do We Project Our Energy

energetic projection

Energetic projection is something we all do.  How does energetic projection prevent us from growing, and how is it useful?  Learn more below.

What is Energetic Projection?

Psychology Today defines energetic projection or psychological projection as: –

“Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another.”

Psychology Today

Projecting displaced feelings is one of the most well-known forms of energetic projection. 

Often, if we are not in touch with buried emotions of our own, we try to release discomfort by projecting them onto someone else.

One of the most common ways of doing this is to name the projection by making it something the other person is doing. 

For example, if someone is jealous, rather than becoming fully consciously aware of their jealousy and the reasons for it, they will accuse someone else who has triggered the jealousy in them of being the jealous one! 

This might even create an argument, which will give the projecting person an emotional release, and make them feel better – at least, in the short term.

What are the reasons for energetic projection?

As discussed previously, one of the most well-known reasons is that of trying to release deep-seated and unpalatable emotions.

Energetic projection may also occur when: –

  • We have an idea that we want to share.
  • It would suit us to change someone else’s opinion.
  • We would like people to align with the direction we want to take.
  • We intend to help somebody.
  • We have a hidden agenda.
  • Thinking somebody is a person that they are not.

These are just some of the reasons – I’m sure on reflection you could come up with reasons of your own.

As you can see, not all of these reasons are bad. In fact, in some cases the intentions are very good. But if someone is not ready for the energy of our projection, then they’ll reject our approach.

How can we identify if we are projecting negatively onto someone else?

It’s always a good idea to reflect on conversations we’ve had that didn’t go the way we were expecting.

Sometimes, a conversation can be a projection all by itself.

If what we said triggered an argument or dispute, then that’s a sign to check in with our approach.

Perhaps we are not being impartial and our intentions and desires around the subject matter are affecting our judgment. 

This might take a little time and even a discussion with a good friend. They may help you to see your unconscious motivations.

One way we can learn more about how we project our energy out into the world is by studying our Human Design Chart.

Human Design and Projected Gates and Channels

Human Design is essentially an energetic map of our consciousness. We can use it to identify which aspects of our energy are projecting. Parts of our consciousness map, called Gates and Channels, are in fact designed to project energy.

With a little delving into our Human Design chart, we can investigate specifically how we project. It will become more obvious how our thoughts, ideas, wishes, and desires color our projections out into the world.

We can then establish exactly how we can manage those projections for our growth. A much better outcome than producing a negative expression of our hidden desires and wishes.

For example, we all have 26 Gates in the standard Human Design Chart.  There are 64 potential Gates we could have, and 40 of those Gates are designed to project energy – that is over 60% of all the Gates in Human Design.

In my chart, I have 12 Projection Gates out of my total of 26, so over 50% of my Gates project energy out into the world.  I also have the Channel of Inspiration, which is a circuit that projects energy too.

So, in some ways, we are designed to project.

How can energetic projection become useful and helpful?

From the perspective of emotional energetic projection – digging into our motivations for projecting in the first place can be eye-opening.

We can learn about our deeper motivations, fears, and intentions.

So, learning about our negative projections is a great place to begin doing Shadow work for ourselves.

From the positive polarity, we can also benefit from learning more about how we project. Perhaps this can help us to figure out how our energetic projections can be used for good.

There’s even a Human Design Type called the Projector – which utilizes energetic projection in different ways. 

Positively focused, Projectors can lead people. They are particularly good in the study and implementation of new ideas. Taylor Swift is a good example if this – she is a Splenic Projector.

She is derided in some quarters because she is the first billionaire artist in her field. Some of that is the group projection field of jealousy.

In my opinion, she is focused on helping people decode their emotions through songs.

This is a powerful approach to help people dig into their own negative energetic projections.

Free Human Design Report

I hope you enjoyed this post about energetic projection. 

If you’d like to learn more about your Human Design, I offer a free Human Design Report. This helps you to dig into the beginnings of understanding your chart.

This report gives you a basic outline of your Aura Type. It helps you to learn more about your unique Strategy for your Type. It also includes a look at how you make decisions – known as your Authority.

Feel free to contact me here if you’d like a free report.

In the meantime, take a breath, and notice your energetic projections.

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