Tag: chakras

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

essential oils

Essential Oils – relax and open up your vibration

Do you enjoy the benefits of working with therapeutic essential oils? Or perhaps you would like to get started. Essential oils can help us relax, clear a space and also smell wonderful. Perhaps it’s time to pick an essential oil or two for your spiritual practice as well. Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey has been using Young Living oils since 2005. Read on to find out how essential oils might work for you.


Choosing a crystal – how to go about it

Are you drawn to crystal work and want to choose a crystal for spiritual practice? When choosing a crystal, certain things happen for me to indicate that it’s time to locate another one. Here’s a guide – enjoy the journey.

What you learn spiritually carries over >> Podcast

Kryon’s 4th Cosmic law – Everything you learn spiritually can be carried over from one lifetime to the next. I ask the Akashic Records of the Crystal Cave of humanity what we bring with us when we incarnate here on Planet Earth (Gaia) and I received a long and interesting list! Enjoy this podcast and feel free to visit me at Mom On A Spiritual Journey.com.

align your life with your heart

You are dearly loved >> Podcast

You are dearly loved is a phrase I’ve heard many times from Kryon channelings and since I’ve started giving Akashic Records Readings the phrase often comes through for clients and myself when I’m meditating in the Akashic Records, along with an associated energy rush. In this podcast, learn more about how we can re-member that we are dearly loved during daily life.

root chakra

How to feel the root chakra

Chakras – how to feel the root chakra We are taught a lot about chakras in spiritual transcripts and through energy work,even yoga. How though can we really feel and connect with a chakra? If you are hoping for chakra openings and connections then one good way to get started is to learn to feel…
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