A simple way to understand your Human Design Type

There’s a lot to learn in Human Design, so it’s best to start simple and just get to grips with your Human Design Type.
Table of contents
- The 5 Human Design Types
- Your yes or no response if you are a Generator Human Design Type
- If you are a Manifesting Generator Human Design Type
- Your response if you are a Manifestor Human Design Type
- Your response if you are a Projector Human Design Type
- Your response if you are a Reflector Human Design Type
- What is your Human Design Type?
The 5 Human Design Types
If you have come across Human Design, you will know that there are 5 different Human Design Types: –
- The Generator
- The Manifesting Generator
- The Manifestor
- The Projector
- The Reflector.
Your chart has been created from 5 different very dense information sources combined together into one chart: –
- The I-Ching (a Chinese prediction tool).
- The Tree of Life, Sephirot or Kabbalah, from ancient Jewish teachings.
- The Hindu Chakra System.
- The Human Genome experiment (the 64 codons in human DNA).
- Western Astrology.
But it’s a lot to take in! What are some simple ways to understand more about your Human Design type?
One easy way to get a handle on your type is to understand your response to your environment, whether that is people, places, locations – or even things.
How do you response ‘yes’ or ‘no’, from the perspective of your Human Design Type?
Your yes or no response if you are a Generator Human Design Type
You will respond to energetic data by resonating with it positively or negatively.
If you like something, you may: –
Nod vigorously.
Say ‘Yes!’.
Intuitively feel that what is on offer energetically is a match for you, maybe even bounce up and down a bit.
Have very strong feelings of safety and enjoyment from the gut, like a hunch.
Get excited, because you know that this thing, project or person is significant to you.
If you dislike something, there will be a response that is: –
A ‘no’ headshake.
You verbally express “No”.
Intuitively feel blocked, a ‘heavy’ sensation in the gut, even a slightly depressing emotion.
Feel frustrated, or that your own priorities or aims are about to be blocked.
It’s important to understand that, as a Generator, you are here to create through your responses to your environment.
If you are a Manifesting Generator Human Design Type
You will have a gut response as above (Yes/No, intuitive, physical), but as part of that process you will also ‘weigh the scales’.
Most Manifesting Generators are ideas people and will also feel that they must verbalize their responses to things.
This is because all Manifesting Generators have a defined or activated Throat Chakra.
So, there will be a spoken response through your voice when it comes to yes or no. There will also be a kind of tick-tock situation – or even a wobbly sensation in the body.
“I would like to do this, but…” “Have you thought this through?” “Maybe I’d prefer to do this instead…” says your throat – even if you have already booked the tickets and have one foot out of the door!
Your response if you are a Manifestor Human Design Type
Manifestors have a dense enclosure to their aura. This often prevents an immediate reaction or response being apparent to others in the Manifestors’ environment.
This doesn’t mean we aren’t responding. We are sometimes tricky to figure out.
If someone is an emotional Manifestor (like me), our dense energy field doesn’t stop us feeling the emotions around something.
We are just busy formulating something around what we are feeling, sensing or intuiting, or desiring at that moment in time.
Manifestors travel in our own bubble-like aura. We don’t always react to situations in the present moment but may initiate a reaction to that situation later after processing the energy of it.
This ability can sometimes be misinterpreted, yet it is a Manifestors’ role to initiate actions based on the energy around us – we are designed to respond this way.
When I was a kid, I often got told that I was ‘snobby’ or that I had my nose in the air.
It wasn’t that at all – I was often thinking about how I could help somebody or prevent a bullying situation at school.
The last thing I was doing was being a snob! A lack of immediate reaction in certain circumstances can often be misinterpreted.
Because of our bubble – we are often difficult to read until we open our auras up.
This can mean that we are open to being projected upon by others who don’t understand our motivations!
Manifestors Initiate Change
Manifestors are here to initiate change through movements, followings, products, ideas, designs or creations.
We can be powerful in our magnetism and therefore sometimes triggering in our approaches with others.
For example, Stalin was a Manifestor, and so was Hitler.
But intention is everything and Manifestors, like other souls, only have negative or positive influences based on their Soul’s intentions and soul’s history.
In the entertainment world, Bon Scott (lead singer of AC/DC) was a Manifestor, and so is Slash (guitar lead, Guns ‘N Roses).
Your response if you are a Projector Human Design Type
The Projector role is a relatively new one in our society.
According to Human Design records, Projector Types didn’t even arrive on our planet until the mid-1700s.
Projectors are Souls who have chosen a path of leadership and guidance this time around.
If you are a Projector, you will have innate wisdom to share, and an urge to share it.
This doesn’t mean Projector’s lives are easy – often they are incarnated into roles where leadership is a challenge, and their way of doing things may initially be derided and discounted.
Taylor Swift is a Projector, so was Winston Churchill, so is Axl Rose (Guns ‘N Roses).
If you are a Projector, how do you react to the world around you?
Projectors are innately good at helping to manage situations and offer a gentle form of leadership, riding the energy of a group.
As a Projector, you are a natural observer and advisor.
You can’t push your way in, because others may get triggered by your knowledge and awareness and reject your leadership and guidance.
For example, Taylor Swift is the first billionaire female entertainer.
As such, collective energetic consciousness can be very critical of her nature and approaches and go on the defensive.
This is usually because a person demonstrating this level of power can feel undermining to others and the established way of doing things.
In Taylor’s case, she is female (challenging to the patriarchy), liberal (challenging to the status quo) and the first in something – just all-round threatening to the establishment.
If you know someone who is a Projector, invite them into your group, circle or just have a coffee with them!
You will always learn something about yourself when working with someone of this type. Let their gentle energy in.
If you are a Projector, accept invitations on a regular basis.
This energy from a group or individual will empower your knowledge and wisdom to flow, and people will be accepting of it.
Your response if you are a Reflector Human Design Type
Imagine a person who is almost totally open energetically.
They can feel others’ emotions, sense energies, observe visions and absorb ideas almost immediately.
Then think about how tough this might be in a difficult or challenging environment!
Even more so, if the person isn’t aware of their sponge-like abilities – what do they do with all that extra energy that they absorb?
If you are a Reflector Type, you are the smallest group of people on Earth (about 1% of people are thought to be Reflectors at this moment in time).
How can you thrive as a Reflector?
Your response is to see, know, feel, understand. In my reading practice since 2010, I have only met one Reflector client so far – and I recently found out that a childhood friend is a Reflector.
Reflectors need to understand their enormous potential. They have often had previous lives as a guru, spiritual teacher or simply as a beautiful Soul attempting to live in a higher vibration.
Equally, if you are a Reflector, you may have lived a series of lives in the past where all has been a struggle and you have become overwhelmed by the energy of your surroundings.
Anyone who finds out that their Type is that of a Reflector can learn to realize their potential.
The best way for a Reflector to do this is through living a very energetically clear life. Learn to cleanse and clear your energy, and anything is possible.
What is your Human Design Type?
Would you like to learn more about your Human Design Type and response to the world? I offer a free report which you can request here.
The report covers your Human Design Type, Strategy and Authority. It’s a great way to help you learn more about your Human Design.
I hope you enjoyed this post. You may also enjoy these articles about Human Design: –
What is a Human Design Reading? Sarah Lawrence (momonaspiritualjourney.com)
How To Recognize A Human Design Projector (Gloria Gaynor) (momonaspiritualjourney.com)
Human Design Incarnation Cross of Eden Meaning (momonaspiritualjourney.com)
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