Win a free Akashic Records Reading | Mom On A Spiritual Journey Giveaway

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Win a free Akashic Records Reading | Mom On A Spiritual Journey Giveaway

Akashic Records

Akashic Records Reading Giveaway

I know I write about the Akashic Records A LOT.

This is primarily because it has become one of the most powerful spiritual practices for me on my Journey…and there’s been a lot of practice on my Journey.

Why I find Reading the Akashic Records to be such a powerful tool on the Journey

There are many reasons.

There’s the higher spiritual ‘stuff’, such as the opportunity to…

  • connect with my Soul Level Truths (enlightening)
  • experience a past life memory or connection
  • learn more about my ancestors
  • learn more about non-living objects (such as trees, crystals and houses – they have Akashic Records too)
  • Feel a greater sense of peace and connectedness with the Earth

Then there are the more practical, everyday benefits, such as…

  • Finding out why I have always liked or disliked something and not knowing why
  • Opening the Akashic Records is a lovely way to meditate
  • Learning about myself at the Soul Level is truly empowering
  • Being able to chat with my dog about her issues was a relief and helped us get on better
  • I read a house we were thinking of buying and was correct about its’ problems

Β How to enter this giveaway

All you have to do is comment on this post and leave a valid email address in the email field (it won’t be displayed to others).

Just tell me how you found me on the internet – no need to say any more than that unless you want to!

The giveaway is open from now until Friday 28th February Midnight Central Time.Β 

Any comments entered after midnight CT on that date will not be included.

Persons 18 and over only may enter.

I’ll contact you via email so we can schedule the reading via Skype or phone.Β  If you live outside the US and want the reading by phone, you will need to call me!

30 minute reading – $80 value.

Here’s a link to my testimonials page if you’re new to this site and want to get more comfortable with the idea.

All readings given in complete confidence.

Looking forward to giving the winner their Akashic Records Reading!


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Have you listened to my new podcasts?Β  You can subscribe here or listen to the podcasts on iTunes!



16 Responses

  1. Julie Allen says:

    Even though I’m not sure about past lives, I still found my previous reading very helpful and inspiring.

  2. Joe seph says:

    Whether or not I gain but a moderate chuckle from such endeavors, I fancy the fact that this would not be a deduction to the current value of my monetary investments.

  3. Aley says:

    I came to this website hoping to find peace and comfort after different life events that had lead me off of my path. I researched for hours and had a good feeling about this site and Sarah. I have been very eager to get in touch with my spirituality.

  4. tammy says:

    I believe I saw you on Facebook. It came at the perfect time as I was entertaining the thought about my akashic records. I hope I’m picked so I know my intuition was right on. Thanks you very much. Fingers crossed/

  5. Kim Leamer Maleski says:

    I found you through the Soul-Fully Inspired group and have enjoyed reading your comments there and your other blog posts.

  6. Tricia says:

    I found you through the Soul-fully inspired group. Would love to learn more about Akashic records.

  7. Valerie says:

    Found you while doing research for a job I had last year! πŸ™‚ Subscribed to your newsletters and so glad I did! πŸ™‚

  8. Filena says:

    Found on FB. Often wonder about my fear of water, etc. And my home had odd feelings from time to time. Feel this would be a great learning experience.

  9. Ann says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I found you on Facebook. I’d love a reading!!!
    Thank you!

  10. courtney cotner says:

    I believe I found you when I was looking for something on Google πŸ™‚ a reading would be so cool!

  11. lisa says:

    I always look forward to your newsletter; I found you on an Internet search, as my word for 2014 is intuition

  12. K. Willow Leenders says:

    I believe that my friend, Marty, turned me onto your website and I have had a deep respect for your work ever since I’d met you…one of those instant connection things…lovely!

  13. Tonesha says:

    I really enjoy your newsletter Sarah! I was amazed at what I learned during my first Akashic Recordings reading and I am very interested in learning more. So glad we connected this year, and I am looking forward to working with you more!

  14. I found you while, researching Akashic records. I wanted to first know what it was and how.I can access the records.I’d love a reading, especially at this point in my life where I.can appreciate the information but also utilize it for its potential. Thank you. Thank you for your contributions by sharing the information but.more importantly offering the opportunity for a reading. Thank you. Please continue your awesome work.

  15. Aemen says:

    Since moving from New York City to the country, I’ve have had so much “stuff” popping up for me. Today I was looking for a good Akashic Record reader to help me to explore my inner world a bit more, and I found your info. Coincidence? Maybe not…

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