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Category: Spiritual Books and Movies

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

gift certificates

Spiritually Minded Gifts – A selection of spiritual books | A Guide for Shoppers

Spiritually Minded Gifts – a guide for Shoppers What gifts to buy for the Spiritually Minded amongst your friends? If you’re not overtly on the spiritual path but have noticed friends who are, you may not realize there’s a burgeoning industry growing around supporting us all on the spiritual journey. There are many ways that…
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big fat lies

Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves Part II

I reviewed Amy Ahlers book Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves: Ditch Your Inner Critic and Wake Up Your Inner Superstar
recently and have been working through the book subsequent to this. It really is a jam-packed personal development tool – here is part II of my review.


Be Your Own Shaman | Heal Yourself And Others With 21st Century Energy Medicine | Book Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Be Your Own Shaman: Heal Yourself and Others with 21st-Century Energy Medicine by Deborah King really is worth some of your precious reading time if you are ready to move further forward on the spiritual journey and have further questions about the nature of energy medicine. Be Your Own Shaman gives some really new modern definitions to the term Shaman and also gives some excellent explanations about energy medicine and methods for moving forward on your own spiritual journey.

you can heal your life

Louise Hay | Happy Birthday on Oct 8th and thank you | You Can Heal Your Life Book Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life has been in publication and on bestseller lists since 1985.

One of my close friends call it her ‘health bible’ and I always have a copy or two on hand, since there is often a friend around who needs to borrow it.

Louise Hay’s groundbreaking work in my view was based partly on her intuition, or inner guidance, that words were spoken in a positive frame help shift our minds and bodies into a better state, or chemical balance.

Modern science now proves what Louise Hay intuited after much work, study and many workshops with people from all walks of life – that detrimental/negative emotional and mental states long held in the body are connected to illness, and conversely, that positive/hopeful affirming emotional and mental states are helpful for our healing.

Complaint Free World

A Complaint Free World | How to begin to disconnect from the energy of complaints | Bracelets will help!

A Complaint Free World? If you haven’t heard of this movement, it was created by Will Bowen, the lead minister of the One Community Spiritual Center in Kansas City, Missouri. As an innovative Christian leader, he gave a sermon one day about the damaging nature of continuous complaining – and what a great place a…
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pregnant entrepreneur

The Pregnant Entrepreneur – for Mompreneurs everywhere

Are you starting a family yet also thinking about starting a business? Darla DeMorrow’s book may help you get further along on the path.

Unifieid Field or Lattice

The Gift of the Golden Dolphin – a chakra exercise book for children

The Gift of the Golden Dolphin – an energy exercise book for children by Peggy Pheonix Dubro, the originator of the EMF Balancing Technique – a book review.

psychic intelligence

Psychic Intelligence Book Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Psychic Intelligence – Tune In and Discover the Power of Your Intuition with psychic twins Terry and Linda Jamison I recently picked up Psychic Intelligence in the new book section of the library.  I hadn’t heard of the psychic twins before (Terry and Linda Jamison) – as both a Gemini and a person developing my own  psychic…
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you can heal your life

Quality personal development for a dollar?

Hay House – founded by Louise Hay – Christmas Catalog Offer! I bought some gifts a while back for family and then sat on my laurels somewhat…just now realising that there are not so many days left until Christmas! If you have anyone who is interested in something a little different or alternative in their stocking,…
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Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Walking through illusion – an emotional biography by Betsy Otter Thompson | Book Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

The premise of Walking Through Illusion is a number of interviews or question and answer sessions with Jesus about his time on earth with his apostles and others that knew him.

In the preface the author Betsy Otter Thompson describes a process whereby she opened her heart to the energy of Jesus since “hearts are free to express from the depth to which they go”.The result is a book which is easily accessible and easily read despite plumbing some spiritual depths.

Each chapter stands in its’ own right as both a spiritual exercise and a clarifying of our thought processes, from the first chapter entitled “Reform – Where does Reform begin?” through a total of 23 different focus points or chapters, some examples of issues from Morality, Beliefs, Complaints, Betrayal, through to Identities, Memories, Death and Time.