Category: Meditation and Mindfulness

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

manifesting abundance

Manifesting Abundance – Pick A Card With Your Spirit Guides

How can Oracle Cards or Tarot Cards help us with manifesting abundance? Using Tarot and Oracle Decks can help us to kick off powerful thought processes. We may even get in touch with new ideas from our inner world. Invoke your Spirit Guides and pick a card from this deck to help you understand the…
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sirian starseeds

How To Attune To Sirian Starseeds Energy, And Origins?

What is a Sirian Starseed? A Sirian Starseed is a Wanderer Soul. Its origins or first lives began in the Star System of Sirius. There are lots of Sirian Starseeds currently incarnated on Earth. I have met quite a few of them through giving my Soul Star Readings. During these readings, I work with a…
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best oracle cards for intuition

The Best Oracle Cards for Intuition – my top 5 favorites

On the spiritual journey, you may have acquired a deck (or two) of Tarot Cards or Oracle Cards.  Here are my top 5 favorites, used within my own spiritual practice and with clients to expand our intuition. What is an Oracle Card Deck? An Oracle Card deck is a set of cards that began in…
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spiritual signs

5 ways to Pay Attention to Spiritual Signs to Change Your Life for the Better

What is a spiritual sign, or a spiritual awakening sign? Signs like this are validation that our wishes, desires, and spiritual connections are being reflected back to us. Energies in the outer world are sending us a message. When we see a sign, it’s very validating. Definition of a spiritual sign A spiritual sign is…
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Why so many people are tuning into Starseed Energy

What is a Starseed and why do a lot of people identify themselves as Starseeds?

Read more to find out – perhaps you are someone who feels you are not from around here, and you are wondering if you are a Starseed?

get more out of your psychic reading

How to get the most out of your psychic reading

How can you get more out of your psychic reading? Sarah discusses some best practices and explains the difference between psychic readings, mediumship readings, and past life or Akashic Records Readings.

new moon card spread

How To Read The Akashic Tarot New Moon Card Spread

How to do a new moon or full moon card spread with the Akashic Tarot card deck. I hope you enjoy how the insights were reached from this reading, and that perhaps it will inspire you to do your own card work for planning or reflection. Akashic Tarot readings also available here!

spirit messages

Review of The Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Deck by John Holland

Learn more about psychic medium John Holland’s Spirit Messages Oracle Card deck in this post. It’s a 50 card deck to help you connect with Loved Ones and bring through messages of comfort and healing.

soul groups

Soul Groups in the Akashic Records – February 2022 Podcast

It’s February 22nd, 2022 and I’m talking about Soul Groups! I’m sure many of you are enjoying today’s date, there are also 22 Oversouls, so I thought it would be a great day to talk about Soul Groups. Since this is an auspicious date, I created a short podcast today with a guide on a…
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life lessons

3 examples of Life Lessons and how can they help you

What are life lessons? In this post Sarah goes deeper into the nature of life lessons, and how they can help us to evolve and grow from the Soul level perspective.

thought forms

How Thought Forms are created in your Akashic Records

What are Thought Forms and how do they affect us? This article addresses the energetic nature of Thought Forms.  It discusses how they are formed energetically, and how they interact with our Personal Energy in the Akashic Records. Have you ever noticed this?   When you interact with an idea or thought that resonates with you…
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ego reactions

How to manage ego reactions when accessing your Akashic Records

It can be exciting to start a new spiritual path, often though we don’t realize that ego reactions may cause a few hiccups on the journey.

Many clients who work with the Soul Star Reading are very excited to learn about their energetic blocks and restrictions that are ready for clearing.  They also look forward to working with their personalized 21-day prayer.

Then the ego gets a little concerned, and puts a pause on the proceedings!

Clients might find themselves feeling reluctant to do their clearing work (which only takes a few minutes per day), or feel annoyed, uncertain or even angry about the work.

This isn’t anything to do with the clients’ intention of clearing and healing.  It has a lot more to do with their ego reactions.