Dealing with intuitive manipulation October podcast

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Dealing with intuitive manipulation October podcast


 October 2018 podcast show notes

If you are intuitive, then maybe that is why you were drawn to my site.   Or perhaps that is why you are listening to this podcast.

As a spiritual intuitive, from about the age of 3, I could sense some information about others very acutely.  This would include a person’s emotional state, something they may be thinking about, or something unusual about their body language.

This month my email newsletter is about sensing, or becoming aware of, intuitive manipulators.

I’ve had the good fortune to work with excellent teachers on my spiritual path.

As a result, perhaps a combination, of several teachings, in most situations I have a pretty good nonsense detector.

Nonsense detector

In the past, I have attended two NLP™ seminars with one of the originators of NLP™, Richard Bandler.  At that time I was introduced to the idea of creating my own internal nonsense detector.

This involved some work with gut instinct and seems to have remained with me ever since.

I was also part of one of the earliest versions of Joseph Riggio’s excellent personal growth series, known as MythoSelf™.

As a Mythoself facilitator, I learned to work through certain aspects of storytelling, where I was able to learn to decipher whether people were telling the truth, the whole truth, or not!

These are both very useful tools in the road to self-awareness and presence of mind in the moments where you are interacting with an intuitive manipulator.

Once you focus on the awareness of skills like these, it’s always important to road test them.

I remember being at a party a few years ago where the subject of truth or lies came up.   Someone I didn’t know (who had had a drop to drink) decided to test my skills by telling me three different stories.

At that moment, I was able to discern that the first story was true, the second false, and the third a mixture of both.  To be fair I had the advantage since I hadn’t been drinking, but it was a fun little exercise nonetheless.

Learning to understand intuitive manipulation from the spiritual perspective

So for you, the listener and spiritual journeyer, where are you on the road to understanding intuitive manipulation? As I mentioned in my blog post this month at New World Energetics – How to Save yourself from intuitive manipulators, the gut is a really good place to start.

Here is something to consider.  If you are interacting with somebody who causes you to be suspicious of their intentions, where in your body does this wisdom come from?

Does this person make your gut feel uncomfortable?

Is what they say match with your sense of their inner world?

Perhaps their energy seems spiky, not quite right, or feel inconsistent in some way?

I’ve done enough Akashic Records Readings with clients to sense what I would call ‘modular’ energy fairly early on in a reading. That is, the person isn’t quite whole energetically as a result of sensing that something is off about their energetic feel.

Maybe it’s because their responses to questions seem to change or be inconsistent.

This tells me they might not be ready to act on their reading.   Even if the client really needs to hear what their Akashic Guides are telling them, the time might not be right.   They may need to do some other personal growth work first.

If you can access your spirit guides at the moment, perhaps they can let you know what your internal wisdom is trying to say when you are suspicious that you are being manipulated.

I’m very clairaudient (clear hearing), so often the third language voice – my own or another voice in my head, will pop in and message me with what is really going on. If I’m overwhelmed or tired, then I wait until later to decide what was going on. We can’t all be spiritual super-people all the time!

Why bother to be manipulative?

So if you are an intuitive sensitive, or spiritually sensitive, you might be asking yourself at this point – why are people evening bothering to be manipulative?

Well, sometimes people don’t intend to be manipulative and have the best of intentions.

If someone is driven by internal programs and agendas that are not in their conscious awareness it will drive their behavior to some degree.

Think of it as energetic karma. If a person hasn’t done some work on themselves, they aren’t growing their self-awareness.  This means that they are acting out on knee jerk programs and inherited behaviors.

Now, as for self-aware intuitive manipulators, that’s quite another story

As Richard Bandler would say, the reason for a person trying to influence another really boils down to the intention behind the act.

If someone is well-intended, then that usually comes through in the energetic feel of the interaction.

A person who is is very focused on manipulating a situation for their own personal comfort will come across as controlling or be recognized as controlling.

If the intuitive manipulator has a financial income in mind, or a desire to exert power (the same thing, really), then initially you may sense a lot of excitement and desire to go with what the person is saying, which kind of falls flat later on (often after you have either paid up, or agreed to a request or approach). If anything about the situation or circumstance feels ‘icky’ or ‘off’ in vibrational tone, take a step back before you agree to anything!

As I mentioned in this month’s Energetics Updates newsletter, learning to discern these kinds of interactions can help us on the path to being able to sense others’ intentions. Again, we can go to the body for this wisdom, think of organ-based phrases like ‘He makes my skin crawl’, or ‘I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something not quite right about her’.

In the present moment, check on the expansion of your energy

As spiritual intuitives, intuitive sensitives or empaths, we can often go into situations with a very expanded and open energy field. This works great with other people who are open, trustworthy and authentic but does not bode well for us always with those who have darker intentions in mind.

If you’re female you may also have the social programming installed that tells you to ‘be nice’ in all situations.   The truth is, that in many situations that is totally inappropriate.

So, with your sensitivity and your spiritual awareness, how best to move forward and sail the seas of intuitive manipulation?

I would suggest incorporating a tool I call the three S’s.

1. Sensitivity. If you are sensitive you have a powerful internal life.  This means that you are aware of similar patterns in others. What is your sensitive internal life telling you about someone else?  Don’t default to nice! Listen to your innate sensitivity.

2. Spirituality. If you have a good connection with your Spirit Guides or Akashic Guides, tune in. You can also turn to your divination tools, such as pendulums, other forms of kinesiology, oracle cards or meditation. Use the spiritual gifts that you have!

3. Sympathy. If you are an empath, you can naturally tune in to others thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Use this gift to figure out if the person you are interacting with is spiky, off, or whole. And honor the information.

So, remember the three S’s, Sensitivity, Spirituality, and Sympathy

They will serve you well.

I hope you enjoyed this podcast!  Feel free to visit the blog post at Mom On A Spiritual Journey and drop me a comment.

Sharing this podcast or the post is even nicer! Also, I’m on Twitter @SarahsEnergy, feel free to chat with me there or at New World Energetics.

Until next time.

Podcasts with Sarah Lawrence at Mom on a Spiritual Journey
Podcasts with Sarah Lawrence at Mom on a Spiritual Journey
Sarah Lawrence

Discussions about spirituality, the Akashic Records, alternative health and wellness, look out for free meditations also


4 Responses

  1. Great post. Thanks Sarah. I needed that reminder today. Big hugs to you!

  2. […] becoming aware that not all of those with intuitive gifts have our best intentions at heart. […]

  3. […] new intuitive tools will help an empathic or intuitive sensitive type like yourself learn to detect these types as you move through your […]

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