International Day of Peace September 21st 2011 | Inner peace + Law Of Resonance = Outer Peace – spread the words!

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

International Day of Peace September 21st 2011 | Inner peace + Law Of Resonance = Outer Peace – spread the words!

peace and compassion

International Day of Peace September 21st 2011

Inner peace + Law Of Resonance = Outer Peace

Rational Wiki: The Law of Resonance, which is closely interconnected and works in harmony with the Law of Attraction, is the Universal Law which determines precisely what it is that you will attract into your life based on the resonance or frequency of the energy that you are projecting.[1]

“According to the Law of Resonance, we should then not regard ANY media production (ie television program, music, etc) as inconsequential. There would always be an impact on the mind, for good or for ill.

An uplifting film could resonate with wholsome emotions within the mind, whereas a violent film would resonate and thus increase violent tendencies in the mind.

I have for the last few years been increasingly unable to watch violence, even just depicted in a film, without feeling physical pain.”

Hearts0ngs, Youtube.

To celebrate the International Day of Peace – keep irritation/anger to 17 seconds, just for today!

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