A blogger on a spiritual journey | Bloggy boot camp – no kidding! | The Sits Girls – great place for mom bloggers to network
Been a blogger on a spiritual journey for a year or so, time to head to Bloggy Boot Camp with the SITS Girls!
This blogging thing is really interesting. Noticing that I’m beginning to ‘grow’ writing muscles (blog post time getting shorter) and a few burgeoning wordpress muscles … (a little) more technical expertise.
Started to wonder how to focus these new skills and through a fellow blogger here in Wichita – Superdumb Supervillain – I found out about the SITS Girls.
(By the way, props to Tiffany Romero for taking such a nice pic of me and making it available for sharing!). :-))
Like a lot of mom bloggers, I need to learn what I need to know in a short amount of time, so it was time for Bloggy Boot Camp.
Bloggy Boot Camp and the SITS Girls – it’s a boot camp, no kidding!
(SITS = The Secret to Success is Support) …. although I have to say it’s probably also because bloggers also SIT down a lot while we’re working!
Tiffany Romero and Francesca Banducci were the hosts of ‘Bloggy 2011’ in Denver, and did a fine job. More about the SITS girls here.
It IS a bootcamp though, so if you decide to attend one of these events pack a bunch of business cards, a notebook and your phone at least…tweeting and typing is permitted, nay encouraged! – during the event.
For every speaker, there is a table shift (and it’s designated on your registration card) so be prepared to move tables each time and make new contacts. No cliques here, this is about networking and learning the ropes. (Yay!).
Bloggy Boot Camp with the SITS Girls also made me prick up my ‘spiritual’ ears and understand more about the energy of the mom blogger movement
It was very validating to SIT with other women who do what I have found myself doing on this journey. Not everybody reads blogs yet or understands some of the wider implications of open source software, but over time, they will.
As an EMF Balancing Technique® practitioner I’ve been taught to see all of us as unique expressions of energy, and yet connected through our energy systems and energy anatomy.
I met bloggers who just started blogging to share their journeys, anything from overcoming infertility through to making crafts, from venting about life to sharing things that work.
I also connected with a blogger who was drawn to talk to me, and after our talk immediately experienced synchronicity when she went home, being given a book to read by a friend which I had intuited would be very useful for her journey during the conference.
The book was Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration by Penney Peirce.
And then there were the Bloggy Boot Camp Speakers…
The first speaker, Amy Bradley-Hole, was brave about her name and her brand and (from my view of the world) talked about intuition and inner guidance. “When you have your brand in place – the haters will not get you down. When the right companies come along, (for a blogger to work with) you will know in a heartbeat.”
Tiffany Romero talked about being authentic, honoring yourself and creating positive vibrations. “You need to hang out with people who want your success”.
Jillian Tobher taught us more about the creative flow and told us “Tap into the energy of the inner child – let things get messy – write now, edit later” and to notice synchronicity and the Law Of Attraction “Notice how the Universe is Conspiring to Help You”.
Amy Giese taught us that “Color has feelings” and that the best blog layouts follow the law of the golden rectangle, or golden mean. From the spiritual frame = Sacred Geometry.
Danielle Liss is a blogging lawyer, or a lawyer who blogs (and also has amazingly photogenic hairless cats), and uses the energy attribute of Humor to help us through the dry but important world of LIWB (Legal Implications When Blogging). Hope you liked that F.L.A Danielle, I just made it up for you!
Barb Likos and Fiona Bryan taught us about Hyper-local blogging – making connections in your local community and “deciding where to put your energy”.
And finally Jessica Bern who is a blogger and ‘vlogger’ and taught us all that recording an online video on Vicodin – after visit to the dentist – is definitely not a good idea unless you know what you are doing. Actually she taught us several things about vlogging including waiting a day before you post! Seriously!
Bloggy Boot Camp + the SITS Girls = BIG to do list and motivation squared
All that was packed into one day…with time left for a wine tasting with Mirassou Wineries. Phew. Told you it was a boot camp with the SITS Girls, no kidding!
I left Bloggy Boot Camp with a BIG to do list, lots of clarity and even more motivation about….
- a brand being the essence of who we are as people first, (individual expressions of energy)…then bloggers
- the creative process – mastering ‘internal dialogue’ or the inner voice in order to write more effectively
- blog design, balance and the golden ratio – it’s connected!
- hyper-local blogging and the future potentials of creating community with local businesses
- Oh boy do I need to design a theme of my own (how the blog looks and is structured)
- Every blog has ‘prime real estate’ – where it is and what to do with it
- Learning about the legal issues of blogging – if you want to host a giveaway or work with brands you need to know this stuff ahead of time
- There are a million ways to express our energy through blogging and social media, from vlogging to micro-blogging!
I suspect I shall be SITting down a lot more soon to get to work on all of this!!
SITS Girls Social Media Links – Website, Facebook, Twitter @SITSGirls
4 Responses
I do love that picture of you.
I had such a lovely time in Denver- what a great group of ladies.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience- I am totally fascinated by EMF Balancing- maybe a guest post on SITS?
Hey Tiffany,
You definitely have a gift with the pics (but I’m sure you know that already!). Was a great time in Denver and a great mommy break for me!
Happy to share, and would love to write a guest post for SITS…just let me know how long it needs to be!
Thanks so much for sharing.
I am REALLY looking forward to SITS bloggy boot camp in Atlanta.
Thanks very much for taking the time to read!
Hope it goes great in Atlanta!