Tag: eat clean

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Mindfulness – have you ever had a conversation with your organs?

Have you ever thought of having a conversation with your insides? It can be a fascinating insight into a deeper connection with your body and inner systems. Organ talk is a fascinating meditation practice. Our bodies are the source of so much wisdom and as the vessels for our chi, life-force, spirit our soul, they know us intimately, so why not ask them?

Mom On A Spiritual Journey

What is Canola Oil and why it might not help with your allergies

What is Canola Oil? I thought Canola oil was made from Canolas and perhaps looked vaguely corn-like.  Honestly, until yesterday I had no idea.  When you look up Canola oil on the internet, the first thing you find out is that Canola oil comes from the seeds of the canola plant.  OK. But, that’s all…
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