Tag: angels

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

essential oils

Essential Oils – relax and open up your vibration

Do you enjoy the benefits of working with therapeutic essential oils? Or perhaps you would like to get started. Essential oils can help us relax, clear a space and also smell wonderful. Perhaps it’s time to pick an essential oil or two for your spiritual practice as well. Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey has been using Young Living oils since 2005. Read on to find out how essential oils might work for you.

best psychic reading

How To Get the Best Psychic Reading

Are you considering having a psychic or Akashic Records Reading? Here is Sarah’s take on the best way to go about it and get the most out of your investment of both time and money. Hint: spiritual growth is about letting go of expectations and allowing the connection to Spirit. Read on!

angelic energy angel energy

Are the top selling oracle cards the best?

I love Oracle Cards and many people find them to be a helpful tool on the spiritual journey.

But are the top-selling Oracle Cards best for a beginner, or anyone starting out?

Sarah takes a look at what Amazon has to offer in the way of Oracle cards.

To see all blog posts on Oracle Cards and divination, click this link>>

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

power of surrender

The Power of Surrender Oracle Cards by Judith Orloff MD

When a card pull annoys you, it’s probably time to perk up your ears and pay attention. Often we focus on cards that make us feel lovely or uplifted in some way, that completely resonate.
Sometimes, though, the most important card is the one that pisses us off, annoys us or challenges us. Judith Orloff’s Power of Surrender oracle card deck helps us with these sticky issues.

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey?  Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

starseed oracle card deck

Using and clearing the energy of an angel oracle card deck

Angel Oracle Card Decks – using and clearing them I found myself very drawn to Tarot decks and Angel Oracle Card decks around the same time that crystals made their way into my spiritual practice. Angel Oracle Card decks are wonderful for self-reflection and make a great meditation tool.  I read cards for myself once…
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energy vampires

Energy vampires really do exist

Energy Vampires – do they exist? We’ve all heard about those people that drain us or bring us down…just by being in the room.  I believe that some people can engage in vampiric energy behavior without even knowing it – and others do it with conscious intent.  Either way, I do believe in energy vampires.…
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How to Begin Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides can come in many forms and bring through their messages in unusual ways. How can we begin to connect with our Spirit Guides, and what practices can help us? Spirit Guides – what are they? Spirit Guides are Souls who are no longer incarnated, but they support us on the Spiritual Journey. Guides…
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talking to heaven

How to Use the Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards

Grieving can be very hard and not something we are trained or taught to deal with on an everyday basis…yet it pretty much happens to everybody on the Spiritual Journey…we lose someone.My developing intuition has been a big help on my Journey – with experiences of spirits and relatives connecting with me and mine through the veil most powerfully when my mum became ill.Recently I heard about Doreen Virtue’s and James Van Praagh’s Talking to Heaven mediumship cards…and immediately thought I’d like to try them.

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

spiritual medium

Spiritual Mediumship With My Mum Changed My Life Forever

A difficult time for our family when my brother and I moved my mum into hospice turned into a spiritually enlightening situation for me.

Tarot Tuesday

Tarot Tuesday – Archangel Michael Oracle Cards | Win a free mini-reading from Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Archangel Michael Oracle Cards – it’s Tarot Tuesday! I was sitting here wondering what to blog about today and my clair-audience kicked in and said “It’s Tarot Tuesday, of course!” The deck I’m using this time is Archangel Michael’s Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue From Doreen Virtue’s Oracle Cards Guidebook… Archangel Michael knows the details…
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Working With Angels

Tarot Tuesday – the Romance Angels – win a free mini-reading from Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey

It’s Tarot Tuesday! This week’s deck is the Romance Angels Oracle card deck, a 44 card deck and guidebook. From the guidebook… While using these cards, you’ll work with with Romance Angels. Their voices are sweet, slightly high-pitched, and calm. They’ll tend to speak in unison, which you’ll hear within your mind. The card I…
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Angel Tarot

Tarot Tuesday Ace of Earth | Win a free mini-reading from Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Tarot Tuesday – Ace of Earth It’s Tarot Tuesday again and this week’s featured deck is Doreen Virtue’s Angel Tarot Cards. This week I asked for a card to represent where I should go next with my business (let’s just say I usually have way too many pots on the boil!). The card I pulled…
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