Tag: zodiac

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

mintakan starseed

Are You a Mintakan Starseed? How to Learn More About Your Soul Group

What is a Mintakan Starseed, Starseeds in general – and how can you learn more about your Soul Group of Origination? Have the Soul Star reading to learn more. What is a Starseed? A Starseed is a Soul that has experienced other lives away from the Earth’s Solar System. What is a Mintakan Starseed? I…
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everything happens for a reason

Does everything really happen for a reason?

Something happens, and people try to comfort the person by saying ‘Everything happens for a reason’. This phrase or social nicety is intended to have someone feel better and in some situations may feel comforting, but by saying this or even believing it to be true, an opportunity is lost for deeper awareness.

theory of multiple

Learn about the theory of the 8 intelligences – help grow your intuition

Why develop your intuition anyway?

What if I told you that developing your intuition, by learning about your intuitive superpowers, you can grow a stronger internal framework as an individual and deal with life’s stresses and difficulties better?

Having a strong intuition helps us to make better and more informed decisions, even in the face of stress, difficulty and whatever other life situations may come our way.
Sarah has developed a method with clients that helps them deal with life’s difficulties, by understanding a little more about themselves, how they learn, and how this is connected to our intuitive superpowers.

If this sounds like something that might be useful to you, go ahead and listen to the podcast, you will definitely learn something!


Effective journaling for spiritual growth and creativity

Do you regularly journal on the spiritual journey? Perhaps you are new to journaling, or want to begin but are wondering how to make the most of your journaling time. Here are some hints and tips from Sarah.

narcissist groom empath bride

Narcissist Groom, Empath Bride book in progress

Introduction to a book in progress by Sarah Lawrence, Narcissist Groom, Empath Bride – healing the essential wound through the Akashic Records. Enjoy, and sign up to receive details when the book is released.

best psychic reading

How To Get the Best Psychic Reading

Are you considering having a psychic or Akashic Records Reading? Here is Sarah’s take on the best way to go about it and get the most out of your investment of both time and money. Hint: spiritual growth is about letting go of expectations and allowing the connection to Spirit. Read on!

dream interpretation

Dream interpretation – how to interpret your dreams

How can we easily interpret our dreams? Here are several different sources to get you started with dream interpretation. Dreams can show us hidden information stored in our subconscious minds, help us decode spiritual energy through lucid dreaming and sometimes even be prophetic or predictive in nature. Read on!

fifth dimension

What is the fifth dimension?

What is the fifth dimension and how do we ‘get there’ in spiritual practice. Is there a ‘place’ or ‘vibration’ to get to, or perhaps it’s just a shift in perception and awareness. Discuss!


Are you at a crossroads? 6 Reasons to have an Akashic Reading

Curious about the Akashic Records? An Akashic Records Reading is a different type of spiritual or intuitive reading. Here are the 6 most common reasons people decide to have a reading.

Mindfulness – have you ever had a conversation with your organs?

Have you ever thought of having a conversation with your insides? It can be a fascinating insight into a deeper connection with your body and inner systems. Organ talk is a fascinating meditation practice. Our bodies are the source of so much wisdom and as the vessels for our chi, life-force, spirit our soul, they know us intimately, so why not ask them?

cosmic law

The first cosmic law from an Akashic Records perspective >> Podcast

Have you ever accessed the Akashic Records? There are several ways to do it. Today Sarah demonstrates asking her Akashic Records about Kryon’s first Cosmic Law – You can never return to a less aware state. Enjoy the sense of a shift in consciousness!

cosmic law

Cosmic law – you can never return to a less aware state

Cosmic laws I first became aware of some of the cosmic laws when I bought one of those fun wallet cards at Edgar Cayce’s ARE store in Virginia Beach, VA.  There were some fun quotes like ‘Wherever you go, there you are’ on it and I still wish to this day that I had bought…
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