Tag: forecast

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Mom On A Spiritual Journey

What is Canola Oil and why it might not help with your allergies

What is Canola Oil? I thought Canola oil was made from Canolas and perhaps looked vaguely corn-like.  Honestly, until yesterday I had no idea.  When you look up Canola oil on the internet, the first thing you find out is that Canola oil comes from the seeds of the canola plant.  OK. But, that’s all…
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Hello gallbladder cleanse and helloooo emotions!

I’ve learned through experience that emotions can be unlocked from our muscles with a deep massage, or felt through our chakras during meditation. But stored and released from our organs?  This one is a head trip, or more accurately a body trip. And if you suffer from gallbladder issues, some of the simple techniques in this post might help you.

My brain didn’t remember, but my gallbladder does.

Samuel_Hahnemann_Memorial for work in Homeopathy

Please do NOT use homeopathy, it is OK with me, I really do not care!

Do not use homeopathy – I use it…but you don’t have to! It’s been three years now since I started this blog and began to write about alternative health, my experiences of homeopathy included. There continues to be great personal growth for me, health and wellness for my family and myself (including an ex-military test-pilot…
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organic turkey

I cooked an organic turkey this year – differences noted | Anyone else shift to organic for Christmas Dinner 2012

Organic turkey – my first year cooking an organic turkey for Christmas I’ve been buying organic veggies for quite a while and this year for the first time decided to cook an organic turkey. I chose a 13lb organic turkey from Simple Truth – it’s the first year I’ve seen turkeys available from them. Now…
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Juicing for health

Juicing for health and to raise your vibration | Learning more about my relationship with food and what my body likes best

Juicing for health – one woman’s take on how to start juicing from Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey Juicing for health IS actually easier than I thought.  When it came to giving up caffeine a while back, I thought that was going to be difficult too, but it was relatively painless since I…
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Facebook and Twitter Social Media

One click world changers – easier than before to change the world | Be a social activist on Facebook, Twitter or by blogging or just one click

Change the World with One Click World-Changers! Change the World?  How easy is that? Well I believe that we are more empowered than we have ever been to broadcast the energy of positive change in the world. I’m currently taking a course with author Amy Ahlers and inspirational MD Lissa Rankin (OwningPink.com) to learn more…
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Eat More Kale

Eat More Kale vs Chick-Fil-A | How about a right-brained solution instead of overlawyering it?

Eat More Kale vs Chick-Fil-A – and new restaurant opens in Wichita If you have ever eaten at Chick-Fil-A or seen their advertisements, you’ll know that they use cows saving themselves from being eaten to suggest we buy more chicken with their ‘Eat More Chikin’ campaign. But have you heard of Eat More Kale?  And…
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gift certificates

Spiritual Gifts For Valentine’s Day | Some heart-opening ideas

Spiritual Gifts for Valentine’s Day and some history and faction around Saint Valentine Valentine’s Day, or St Valentine’s Day, honors an early Christian Martyr, Saint Valentine and only became associated with love and sharing gifts with a loved one in the High Middle Ages. There are several stories surrounding Saint Valentine – in life, he…
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online readings via skype or phone

Energy work for everyone – moms, dads and families included – an online interview with Dr Norm Shealy

Energy work for everyone – a simple introduction I watched this video of Dr Norm Shealy being interviewed at the A.R.E recently (Association for Research and Enlightenment) and thought it was a great resource to share on this site. He’s a medical doctor who truly believes that energy work is for everyone! Who is Norm…
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Gardasil Vaccine Legislated in California | Does Gardasil Really Work as advertised? | Injuries in my town? Wichita

Gardasil Vaccine Legislated in California without Parental Consent Legislation for the Gardasil vaccine  – so now there is not only no liability for a child taking a vaccine, but no consent either?  Here’s the link to the article Dr Tenpenny refers to, and the link to the video from Fox News. This from the Age…
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Organic food more affordable

Organic food is becoming more affordable…let’s keep voting with our wallets when we can!

Organic food more affordable in this part of the ‘Heartland’ – apples have made it! Doing a quick shop in my local Dillons last week, I was pleased and surprised to notice this price match.  (See photos below). Pink Lady Apples (non-organic) $1.99 a pound   Organic apples (Fuji), also $1.99 a pound Why buy…
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Rhubarb Crumble – a British dessert with some great health benefits!

Rhubarb Crumble When buying fruits and veggies in our local supermarket in Wichita, I often buy things that the person on the checkout doesn’t recognize. This happened a short while ago with rhubarb, a favoritefruit of mine which looks a bit like red celery but that has a sweet, tart, flavor to it when cooked (can’t…
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