Become an Alternative Mom
How to become an alternative mom?
Doing a shop in Target today and some ladies were stacking the shelves (I went in early).
One of them said to another
So, how are your little ones?
They then began a discussion about the latest round of flu, colds and allergies.
Isn’t that what it’s really all about – health and wellness for our kids?
Everyone wants their children to be well and healthy and to have happy lives.
So why become an alternative mom and what does it have to do with anything?
I believe that learning about alternative remedies is important for moms all over the planet.
We ALL need to step up and become alternative moms
On my spiritual journey I’ve realized that at least half of what I’m learning on the journey is about our health.
What do you know about homeopathy? Did you know that research is proving that a homeopathic remedy called Arnica is helping to significantly reduce bruising and post-surgery issues for women having mastectomies?
What do you know about essential oils? Did you know that some essential oils can help provide support for the nervous system and support healthy lung function?
What do you know about kinesiology? Did you know that you can teach your children simple ways to be more intuitive about choosing their foods and medicines? (And you, too!)
What do you know about reflexology? Did you know that studies show reflexology helps people recover more quickly after surgeries? In my case regular reflexology kept my blood pressure normal through my first pregnancy.
Do you really want somebody to think you are a hippie or part of one of those ‘woo woo’ groups?
Believe me, I’ve had my share of people looking at me oddly and wondering what on earth I’m talking about when I introduce new subjects like these.
But you see, I don’t really care any more.
I have learned some wonderful ways to help keep my children well and healthy and I’m happy with that.
You don’t need to be a ‘tree hugger’ or sit like a pretzel chanting to become an alternative mom. (That is, unless you want to…and I’m perfectly fine with that too!).
Just start with a simple change…perhaps you have a child who is having trouble sleeping…try some lavender oil on their pillow.
Want to see if you can avoid the ‘flu season’? Try homeopathic influenzinum once a day for a month and see what happens…
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3 Responses
I completely agree with you that having a knowledge of home remedies (homeopathic, herbal, etc.) is such a practical skill for moms. I’ve studied herbs quite a bit and had a good amount of homeopathy training as part of my midwifery program that I took, but I’m really not as informed about essential oils as I would like to be. Thanks for sharing this.
Hi Lydia,
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love homeopathy too…it’s saved my bacon on more than one occasion! The oils do take a little study to learn…and they are lovely to play with for R&R also. Happy to help on the Journey!
I love alternative remedies. I wish I was more informed about them when my first child was born. Essential oils, herbs and even flowers are great for homeopathic treatments.