How To know If I’m a Human Design Manifestor?

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

How To know If I’m a Human Design Manifestor?

human design manifestor

Are you a Human Design Manifestor, or one of the other aura types? How can we learn about our personal energy in ways that easily add to our understanding of ourselves? We can work with Human Design to begin to identify who we truly are because of our aura. We can then clearly identify how society has conditioned us to be ‘not-Self’.

What is a Human Design Manifestor – how do I know if I am one?

The Human Design Type of Manifestor is one of 5 aura types. 

These Types are created by our personal energy or aura creates when we incarnate. 

So what is Human Design? 

People can interpret their Human Design through a chart system.  This system has been put together by combining different energetic systems into a new approach.

There are 5 different Human Design Types identified to date.

I’m a Human Design Manifestor. 

All Human Design types have a very specific aura created by unique patterns of 9 different chakras within the body.  

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a channeling system that has been created by a man called Robert Alan Krakower.   

He had a major spiritual opening in January of 1987, where he had contact with a voice and higher vibrational beings.

Sometimes on the spiritual journey, we may wish for an experience like this.   It can be a very hard road and not something that anyone should wish for.

A spiritual opening can be a rough experience

I’ve met other channelers who have had major openings to new information and new ways of working with our consciousness.

It’s not easy and can even result in needing to change one’s life completely.

Once Robert Krakower received this information, he was able to write it down and began to teach it. 

Initially, the teachings almost didn’t happen, because he decided it was too much of a responsibility and destroyed all his notes.

About a year later, a student revealed that they had kept all his downloaded information, so he was able to retrieve it and start teaching Human Design work.

A Human Design Manifestor is one of the 5 design types channeled by Robert Krakower.

During the teaching period of his life, Robert changed his name to Ra Uru Hu. 

He passed away in March 2011.   His work is still being disseminated and taught around the world by various different teachers.

Learn to Interpret your Personal Energy Field or Aura

Human Design is a system that combines several different methods of understanding human consciousness.  This creates a chart to help us interpret our personal energy, or aura.

This is a system that can explain how our individual chakra patterns work, and how the energy channels between them operate. 

This system can also help you to understand: –

  • your Life Purpose
  • how your intuition works best
  • even the environment that is most helpful for you to live in.

Human Design even enables people to understand how to create better relationships through the way our auras merge together.

It’s groundbreaking work, and still very much in its early days in the way of application.   

Its use in everyday life is only just beginning.  In another 10 or 20 years, I believe it will be much more accepted.

Back to the Human Design Manifestor Type

One of the energetic Types reported in this system is the one I have in this lifetime, called a Human Design Manifestor.

If you are a Manifestor like me, you will comprise about 8% of the population.  Your energy will work very differently to the majority of the people currently incarnated on the planet.

The Manifestor type is one of 3 types that are defined as ‘non-Sacral beings’.

This means that our Personal Energy is not consistent throughout the day, and we often need to take rests to recover – and it’s not because we’re lazy!

The Sacral Chakra is the center of creative and sexual energy, and the majority of people on the planet (about 70%) will have their Sacral Chakra defined.

This means that, (unlike me), most people can go on working consistently for a whole day until they are tired.   They then get up tomorrow and do the same thing all over again.

As a non-Sacral being, I can work hard and fast and get a lot done.  But after a few hours, I’m worn out and need to take a break.

It can be hard to be a non-Sacral person in a world full of people who can manage their energy well – working from 9-5.

Some Famous Manifestors

Manifestors may be a small group of incarnated beings on the planet (8%) – but we often do mighty things!

Some famous Manifestors are

  • Slash (from Guns ‘n Roses)
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Daryl Hall
  • Al Gore
  • Donald Trump
  • Adele
  • Liv Tyler
  • Paul McCartney and
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Although all the above famous people are Manifestors, meaning ‘non-Sacral beings’, they will have other characteristics about them that are different.

For example, there’s something called an Authority which could be different for each person (this means how we best make decisions as individuals).

I’m an Emotional Manifestor, as is Adele.  Yet Daryl Hall is a Splenic Manifestor, so he will make decisions in a very different way than an Emotional Manifestor does, for example.

What’s behind the Human Design system?

The systems that create Human Design are based on: –

  • the I-Ching – an ancient Chinese divination text, containing 64 Hexagrams or Gates
  • Western Astrology, most commonly the Tropical method
  • the Hindu Chakra system (with two extra chakras added to the classical 7, making 9 chakras)
  • the Kabbalah or Tree of Life including Life Force Channels
  • The 64 Codons or amino acid combinations present in Human DNA.

A Human Design Chart is created using a person’s date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth.

All this information is programmed into software which generates your Human Design Chart.

How do I know if I’m a Human Design Manifestor?

One of the things you can learn from Human Design is your Type for this lifetime, as well as your Authority, your personality profile, your subconscious drivers, and much more.

Initially, when human designer readers began with this work, they had to work out astrological positions and even color charts with crayons!

These days, there are software programs and even phone apps available for us to work out our basic information.

How can I get my own Human Design chart?

If you’d like a free Human Design Chart and short report from me – message me here and I will create one for you.

Once you have your chart, a reader such as myself can then connect with the energy of the chart and bring through extremely helpful information for you, such as your Life Purpose

Another way to think of your Human Design Chart is as your present life blueprint.

I’ve been giving these readings for almost, and clients are enjoying them and finding them helpful.

One client even commented that it made sense to her how these systems have all been split up in the past.   Now, they are being combined for the Aquarian Age.  She said: –

If we had known this from the beginning of our growth as humans, we could have combined all our knowledge earlier – and been much more powerful as individual beings. 

Maybe we just weren’t ready for that before.

My type is one of 5 different types – A Human Design Manifestor

The 5 different types are:-

What makes me a Human Design Manifestor?

First of all, it comes down to my personal details, date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth.

This information is also triangulated and sent back in time using Human Design software, to calculate the date and time 88 days before a person is actually born.

This is thought to be the time when the Soul settles in the body and fully intends to incarnate.

So, I am a Human Design Manifestor this time around.  In other lifetimes, I would have experienced other Types also, as would you!

When a person is a Manifestor, they have a very specific chakra pattern.  This means  and quite unusual ways of using their personal energy.

human design manifestor

88 Days before you were born…

Think of your Human Design Chart as a big clock with two snapshots in time

One snapshot 88 days before you were born, and the other when you were actually born.

Your Gates, Chakras, Planetary influences, Life Force Channels, and Codons 88 days before your birth are considered to be your Design.

This Design can reveal your subconscious motivations, purpose, and focus in this life.

On the day you were born…

The Gates, Chakras, Planetary influences, Life Force Channels, and Codons of your day of birth are considered to be your Personality influences in this life.  So, your conscious motivations, purposes, and focus.

A Human Design Manifestor is someone who is here to create and initiate ideas into the world.

Manifestors create from the energy and environment they are surrounded by.

A Manifestor will have an idea and just do it. 

Because the other 4 Human Design types process energy differently, they are not energetically set up to jump straight into creation mode like the Manifestor. 

For example, the Manifesting Generator (another type) prefers to dip a toe into the creative waters first. 

Once they’ve decided they like something, they’ll go for it.

It can be frustrating, but once we learn our type this information can also become extremely empowering.  Now, we can become informed about exactly how to achieve our own personal goals.

Human Design Manifestor – I was the Rebel

As a child, I would go and do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.  My mum used to call me the ‘Rebel’ of the family because of this behavior.

Through Human Design, I have realized that things will go better for me with others if I tell people what I am going to do before I go ahead.

This makes others much more comfortable with my ideas and approaches!

More Famous (or infamous) Manifestors

Up until now in our genetic evolution, Manifestors have been perceived as the leaders of the human race.  We are good at created ideas and concepts which other people like to follow.

A (negative) Manifestor leader was Hitler, a positive Manifestor leader example is Neil Armstrong.

In the future Projectors will be the new leaders, they currently represent a much larger section of the population, about 22%.  An example of a Projector leader is Winston Churchill.

Life Purpose Readings Based On Your Human Design

Many of us have grown up feeling misunderstood, or not showing others our true selves.

The Human Design that you have this time around may be a part of this struggle. 

This may be because you are fighting with it or living outside of it, rather than understanding yourself and aligning with it.

To begin your Human Design Download, check out this page where I offer Human Design Readings.

The information embedded in your present life Human Design Chart can be very useful to read. 

This includes your Life Purpose, how to best make decisions, how your Life Force runs, and even how you connect your aura with other people!!

I hope you enjoy the download of information from your Soul that working with Human Design offers you.

11 Responses

  1. AjmaniK says:

    ‘Human Design’ seems to be a ‘deep dive’ into our personal universe indeed. Although my experience with some of the elements is limited, my intuition agrees with the ‘how and why’ of it all. Fascinating stuff… thank you for the inspiration for deeper exploration into the design, the designee and the designer…

    • Sarah Lawrence says:

      Hi Kumud

      Thanks for your comment, it’s taken me a wee while to reply! I didn’t connect with the Human Design work until earlier this year, yet when I did it really came alive for me. Having worked with past lives through the Akashic Records for so long, learning about present life energy just seems like the cherry on the cake.

      I am still working on the great experiment of living my design. The more I do, the better use I make of my energy, and the more I actively enjoy my life. Things we can all do with! Plus, realizing what our Soul wants us to work on this time around is extremely helpful.

      Lots of light, and as always, I look forward to the next #SpiritChat.


  2. […] Through the Human Design chart itself – there can be a trillion or even trillions of different combinations! […]

  3. […] The chart above shows my human design, that of a Manifestor. […]

  4. […] These work best if you align your studies with the innate gifts and talents in your Divine Soul Blueprint and the energetic capabilities you have based on your unique Human Design. […]

  5. […] My aura type is that of a Manifestor. To learn more about Manifestors, check out this blog post.  […]

  6. […] – here to create energy. Three famous Manifestors are Daryl Hall, Slash, and […]

  7. […] As a ‘career woman’, and I was labeled as such for wanting to grow and succeed in business. These days, I understand that wanting to be an entrepreneur is part of my Human Design. […]

  8. […] Projectors are designed to be a new type of leader and guide for humanity, replacing Manifestor (types like me). […]

  9. […] Peace is very significant to me, since I’m a Human Design Manifestor. When I am aligned, peace is my natural state. […]

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