Tarot Tuesday – Archangel Michael Oracle Cards | Win a free mini-reading from Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Tarot Tuesday – Archangel Michael Oracle Cards | Win a free mini-reading from Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Tarot Tuesday

Archangel Michael Oracle Cards – it’s Tarot Tuesday!

I was sitting here wondering what to blog about today and my clair-audience kicked in and said “It’s Tarot Tuesday, of course!”

The deck I’m using this time is Archangel Michael’s Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Tarot Tuesday
From Doreen Virtue’s Oracle Cards Guidebook…

Archangel Michael knows the details of your Divine Life Purpose which every person has…his name means “He who is like God“.

This means that you have a mission, based upon your natural talents and interests, that’s helpful to others.  If you’re confused about the purpose or meaning of your life, Archangel Michael can give you clarity and guidance.

 The question I asked

 Since I am doing so many Akashic Records Readings at the moment, the question I asked before pulling the card was “How does my work in the Akashic Records relate to my Life Purpose?“.

The card I pulled was Self-Respect, (see picture above) the words are

My prayer: Dear God and Angels, thank you for helping me see myself as you see me: through the eyes of love.  Thank you for honoring and respecting me — please guide me to do the same for myself, and grant me the courage to speak up on my own behalf.  I ask for your protection in all of my relationships so that I am surrounded by loving and kind people.”


Wow – this is a deep card

I am learning to see myself through the eyes of love.  Like many of us on the Spiritual Journey, I turned outward to try and feel hollow feelings inside, finding with the Akashic Work that I am able to fill myself up after all.

Relationships continue to be quite the journey for me too.  I am learning more and more about how my earlier life is affecting my current life, and how important it is to be surrounded by compassionate people.

The ‘OM’ symbol also reminds me I haven’t done my yoga practice yet today, and that I need to meditate and restore just as much as anyone else to help me do the work.

This card really hits the mark for me.

Would you like a free mini-reading today?

Comment here on the blog or ‘like’ the blog post on the Mom On A Spiritual Journey Facebook Page to win the chance of a free mini-reading via email using the Archangel Michael Oracle Card deck.

All entries and likes are put in the magic pot and the Angels choose a winner!

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4 Responses

  1. K. Willow Leenders says:

    It would be beautifully, magically wondrous to have a reading with you and the Archangel Michael Oracle Card deck…that’ s my comment!

  2. Juli says:

    I also do what you do, and today when I was meditating, I pulled the exact same card. Can you believe it? I love how Archangel Michael give us the message that we did at the time…God bless you!!

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