Knitting For Meditation Benefits You, Your Granny Was Right

How can we easily get into a meditative state when our mind is whirling? I have found knitting to be enormously helpful in this respect – focus on the process for success, rather than getting hung up on what you are going to make.
Home » Blog at Mom On A Spiritual Journey » Meditation and Mindfulness »Knitting for meditation
Knitting is an activity that up until now many have made fun of – yet we can experience great results in the mind when knitting for meditation.
Perhaps thought of only ‘for grandmas’, and left to a few childhood experiences for many, knitting is a meditative process.
In my experience, it can lead to intuitive insights and balance of the energy of body, mind, and soul.
Perhaps reframe that knitting grandma image.
Maybe in the future, we’ll see knitting grandpas too. That knitting grandma is awake, aware, mindful – and possibly even as sharp as a tack.
(Update: now I see Zoe Saldana knitting on the set of ‘Dune’, and in 2021 Tom Daley knitting in between Olympic swimming competition bouts.)
Knitting for our minds and bodies
Knitting can give our minds space to solve problems. After some brief internet research, I found people who knit for: –
- weight control
- to combat depression
- and to keep their minds sharp.
The Mayo Clinic ran a study in 2011 which established that crafts including knitting, decrease the odds of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
This may be because knitting encourages and activates complex eye movements, as well as being a crossover activity.
This is because a needle in each hand requires complex brain and eye activities crossing the midline of the body.
Knitting for fun and soul connection
In lives that have become more influenced by technology – both overstimulating us in some ways and isolating us in others, knitting can become a social activity with others.
Even if you are knitting quietly in a corner for a while, you may end up with a scarf!
If you don’t get too much done, you may find you will have had fun talking with others and observing their techniques, too.
How to begin knitting for meditation?

I began because of a spiritual prompt – my mother ‘popped in’ with a twinkle and reminded me that I had her knitting needles.
She passed in 2010 and, while over in the UK clearing out her flat for the last time, I found her old knitting needle set. Being my mum, it was kept in a lovely flowered purple cloth case tied up with ribbon.
My mother used to knit beautiful pieces for me when I was a teen.
We didn’t have a lot of money, but what we didn’t have in cash she did her best to make up for in many caring ways.
My two favorites were a rust-colored sleeveless top with a turtleneck and a purple sparkly vest-type top I could wear over t-shirts. It was the 80s, after all!
I got the sense that I should knit a rainbow scarf. Being a nerd I headed to Amazon and chose the Lion Brand Yarn 600-561 Luna Vesta Super Scarf Knit Kit.
There are certainly less expensive ways to do this, later on, I discovered the sale bins at Michaels and Joannas, but initially, I fell in love with the rainbow variations of Lion Brand wool in this knit.
The pattern was also very simple. So I got started using my mum’s needles.
The finished project is the main photo you see at the top of this post. It’s a beautiful scarf and was fun and relaxing to knit.
Knitting equipment and messing up
As one knitting magazine says, knitting is one of the easiest (and maybe the nerdiest) crafts to create.
After all, we are creating something out of two sticks and a piece of string, how weird is that?
You can start with a simple pattern, there are plenty of free ones to find online, plus YouTube videos to help you save your bacon should you drop a stitch or make a mistake.
By the way, learn to think about messing up as part of the fun.
One of the things I’ve learned to do is ‘tink‘ – that is – ‘knit’ backward, e.g. ‘unknitting’.
Sometimes it’s easy to miss a row on a pattern or do some stitches in the wrong order.
Consider the patience and focus developed during these activities as part of the journey toward mastery of your knitting projects!
I started with my mother’s metal knitting needles, then bought this kit from Amazon Knitter’s Choice Bamboo 14-Inch Knitting Needles Set with Case Organizer
, inexpensive and a complete set of bamboo needles.
A lot of people like wooden needles because they can often hold the yarn better and prevent dropped stitches. They also feel warm and smooth to the touch.
I like the case, too, which curls up and has a magnetic clasp. (Nerd, told you!).
Knitting for meditation

Once I started to knit regularly, the process began to get interesting.
First of all, I often got frustrated and sweaty. I reminded myself that all I was doing was playing with two sticks and a ball of yarn!
It was an exercise in mindfulness to get past those thoughts.
Second of all, something all knitters need to learn is ‘gauge’. This is how tightly or loosely you knit the wool or yarn during the project.
My first attempt at the scarf shown up top was so tight by the first few rows into the project I literally couldn’t knit it anymore!
So using a tape measure helps and the process of learning your gauge is a very literal exercise in relaxation. Most patterns will give you some kind of guide as to the gauge or size your project should ideally be.
While knitting, I started to think about my next projects, listened to some favorite spiritual podcasts and TED talks, and wondered what yarn I would buy next.
I then ‘saw’ some indigo blue sparkly yarn in my mind’s eye, and knew where I would buy it also.
The next day, I headed to the store I had thought of, and the last three balls of sparkly blue yarn were lying in the bin waiting for me. That was a lot of fun.
Yarn – to buy or not to buy?
If you are a knitting enthusiast or regular and you chuckle at the question of yarn buying or sticking with what you have, you know why.
Once we are on the yarn hunt, our creative side is often thinking and wondering about the next project.
Once you have a few different stitches and patterns under your knitting belt, it will happen to you, too.
You will start thinking about all the combinations of yarns and patterns…and what you may end up creating.
It’s like learning an instrument, slow and steady initially, and perhaps annoying at times, but with practice and persistence, you gain confidence and begin to riff with your work.
As my energy work teacher always says ‘Practice is Mastery’.
I bought the yarn basket pictured above since several balls of yarn were piling up on a chair in my kitchen for future projects.
This basket is a great organizer for me. It has dividers inside so you can keep yarn and projects separately.
More knitting and next projects
I have just bought some circular needles, and am working on knitting a scarf from top to bottom, rather than from left to right.
Circular needles are small needles joined by a cord so that bigger projects with more stitches can be easily worked.
They are also great for projects such as cowls and hats, and I hope to graduate to those kinds of knitting projects next.
These types of kits, plus the beautiful variegated yarns now available really can open the knitter up to new and creative ideas, as well as the health benefits of the activity of knitting itself.
Mandala Yarn?
Yes, there is Mandala Yarn. I do like Lion Brand Yarn since that was my first choice, and I also found Caron Cakes in my local Michaels ($7-10 for a huge ball of variegated color yarn).
I’ve just found these lovely Mandala Yarns on Amazon, so as I work on other projects I’m thinking and dreaming up uses for these.
I’d love to hear about your knitting projects, any knitting groups you hang out with, and how you started knitting.
After all, we are holding up a long tradition here, the purl stitch first appeared in Europe in the mid-16th century and fashion knitting and designs continue to change with the ages. Enjoy your knitting!
Sarah is an Intuitive Coach and Akashic Records Reader. You can download the brochure listing all 12 Readings she offers, and contact her here at the Client Portal.
3 Responses
[…] have 3 inspirational podcasts that I regularly make time to listen to. I like to knit and listen because I know the information sinks in better that way. Or cook and […]
[…] I began knitting as a way to recover from trauma and traumatic repeating visions. Here’s the post about how I got started with knitting. […]
[…] I began knitting as a way to recover from trauma and traumatic repeating visions. Here’s the post about how I got started with knitting. […]