
power of surrender

The Power of Surrender Oracle Cards by Judith Orloff MD

When a card pull annoys you, it’s probably time to perk up your ears and pay attention. Often we focus on cards that make us feel lovely or uplifted in some way, that completely resonate.
Sometimes, though, the most important card is the one that pisses us off, annoys us or challenges us. Judith Orloff’s Power of Surrender oracle card deck helps us with these sticky issues.

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey?  Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

yoga nidra

Yoga Nidra Meditation for Sleep – How to Begin

Maybe you practice yoga, but haven’t tried Yoga Nidra yet? My yoga teacher introduced me to it. It’s an amazing form of in-body meditation ideally to be practiced just after a yoga session. The meaning of Yoga Nidra is ‘the art of body-sleeping’. Using body-talk, a good yoga nidra session will have you relax each part of the body in turn and then pay attention to energy flow. It’s an amazing practice and very relaxing.

Bestself journal

How to achieve your goals using a journal

How to achieve our goals? I love journaling but didn’t think a journal would help with goal-setting. Through a Facebook ad, I found the BestSelf Journal and goal-setting, journaling and achieving goals are now working much better for me. Check out this journal.

spirit guides

Let Your Spirit Guides Speak – Podcast

Have you ever wanted to get in direct contact with your Spirit Guides? Debra Landwehr Engle shows us how as Sarah interviews her on this podcast about Debra’s latest book, Let Your Spirit Guides Speak

5 habits every spiritual seeker should develop

What bad habits have you dropped into on the spiritual journey oh spiritual seeker? These 5 good habits for the spiritual seeker will help you move forward on the journey and prevent some of the common ways spiritual seekers can trip up. Been there, done that, worn the t-shirt.

yoga creates antioxidants

Yoga creates antioxidants and tight buns

When I regularly practice yoga, I hardly ever catch a cold/flu strange unwell thing that other people are complaining about. I believe it’s because my vital force or chi is more active and therefore so is my immune system.

Mindfulness – have you ever had a conversation with your organs?

Have you ever thought of having a conversation with your insides? It can be a fascinating insight into a deeper connection with your body and inner systems. Organ talk is a fascinating meditation practice. Our bodies are the source of so much wisdom and as the vessels for our chi, life-force, spirit our soul, they know us intimately, so why not ask them?

Two great reads for International Women’s History Day and Women’s History Month

In celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s History month, two books about an aspect of women in history that completely surprised me. More historical accounts about women, please, we are sorely lacking in these resources.

The story of your life is never ordinary

What’s your story morning glory? Our stories may seem boring and everyday to us, if we are not famous or ‘interesting’. Yet the truth is we are all different, our fingerprints, our energy, even our Past Lives. Your story truly is extraordinary.

spiritual moments

Spiritual Moments Facebook Group

Wouldn’t it be nice to join a Facebook book with thoughtful people who are interested in a quiet spiritual moment? This is what the Spiritual Moments Facebook group is for. Monday – heart openers, Tuesday – tarot and divination, Wednesday – humor, Thursday – thoughtful posts, Friday – fun and uplifting. Come along and join in! If you have something to promote, we do that on Tuesdays only.

Akashic Records Reading

Some easy ways to access the Akashic Records

There are many ways to access the Akashic Records. You can use Linda Howe’s excellent Pathway Prayer Process, or meditation and breathing. Edgar Cayce used to put himself in a light sleep to access the Akashic Records. Sometimes I believe musicians and artists access the Records without realizing they have done so.

pure potential

We all occupy a unique space on the planet – we are all connected, all different

We are all unique, yet all connected. This is an interesting spiritual concept that gives us food for thought. How to be unique without causing disruption yet facilitating change? How to get comfortable being a spiritual being in an incarnated human body? Some thoughts from the Akashic Records perspective.