Category: Health and Wellbeing

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

high fructose corn syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup – not such a sweet alternative

Have you seen the ads reassuring us that High Fructose Corn Syrup is a good thing? I had noticed these ads being shown later last year and early this year, saying that High Fructose Corn Syrup or HCFS is ‘just like sugar’ and ‘one less thing to worry about’.  And I thought to myself…hmnnnn…. This…
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Evolve Yoga Wildewood Center, Maryland

Using Yoga to help us be present and at peace – Mom On A Spiritual Journey’s first guest post!

Welcome to Tracey Fritz, my first guest blogger.  Tracey is excited to be teaching at this new studio in Lexington Park, MD (a dedicated yoga studio!). Check it out at Tracey has been teaching and practicing yoga since 2001. In 2008 she completed her 200 hour Interdisciplinary Yoga Teacher Training with Ann Hunt in Southern Maryland. She…
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Mom On A Spiritual Journey

What is the vagus nerve, and why it’s time to take care of it (part one)

The vagus nerve…nerves? A good friend of mine who has been working with her own health issues over the last 10 years or so has regularly been talking with me over the phone about the importance of our vagus nerve/nerves, and how a number of factors can degenerate these nerves and cause us multiple health…
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Highly sensitive person or hsp

Are you highly sensitive? See if this resonates for you

Are you or your child ‘too sensitive’?  Remember to say thanks! [ctt title=”As a child I was often told I was \’too sensitive\’ or \’too imaginative\’.” tweet=”As a child I was often told I was ‘too sensitive’ or ‘too imaginative’. @SarahsEnergy” coverup=”4XneN”] I had deep and powerful emotional – and sometimes physical – responses to…
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Reflexology can help children too

Sinus pressure? Try this simple reflexology remedy for relief

Sinus Pressure or Stomach Issues – illness choices for the Winter season Sinus pressure OR upset stomachs are no joke.  I’ve noticed during the last two weeks (you know, that thing that’s just passed called the ‘Holiday Season’) that a lot of friends have been sick or unwell with one of two types of illness…myself included.…
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alternative health

12 days of Christmas Alternative Health Song – hope it helps!

Thought you’d enjoy this 12 days of Christmas Alternative Health Song – lots of helpful tips and hints here I’ve had several experiences of being sick at Christmas. I think it can happen easily since there is so much going on in our lives and we all have extra work to do to make it…
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Some Peace with Your Goodwill? Shanti Generation and Yoga Skills for Youth DVD

Shanti Generation kindly asked me to review their DVD Yoga Skills for Youth Peacemakers.  My two girls are kindly reviewing the DVD also and are enjoying it! Creating peace with Yoga ‘Shanti’ is a Sanskrit word for ‘peace’, and in case you didn’t know, the meaning of yoga is ‘union’, so I think this company have…
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Thanksgiving, gratitude, and carving that vessel a little deeper

Well, I was all ready for Thanksgiving this year, turkey bought (check) menu planned (check), husband home (check) -he’s been travelling a lot – and plenty of goodies in the house.  Even had plans for hanging out with friends (check). Then, it happened.  The food was great, the company was fun, but by the end of…
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Homepathic Remedy for infant teething

Hyland’s teething tablet recall – some facts and clarifications

This week the FDA enforced a recall of Hyland’s homeopathic teething tablets, a product which has been manufactured and used by parents for over 85 years in the USA. I’ve observed this situation argument grow arms and legs and also watched the misinformation grow at the same rate.  The first link I noticed came from another mommy…
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cinammon and intuitive eating

Intuitive eating | Cinnamon, honey and influenza (the ‘flu season’)

Intuitive eating for flu remedies – e.g. ‘eating what you feel like’ (within reason!) My oldest daughter age 8, came down with a fever last Saturday night, followed by coughing and sneezing and general tiredness. Fortunately for me, she’s always been pretty good at self care, even around age 3-4 knowing when she’s not feeling…
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Samuel_Hahnemann_Memorial for work in Homeopathy

Homeopathic Pulsatilla good for our sinuses and our emotions

Homeopathic Pulsatilla – a well-known sinus remedy This from’s website about Pulsatilla:- “This comprehensive cold, nerve and PMS remedy specializes in affectionate, clingy, sometimes moody children or adults who hate hot stuffy rooms and crave fresh open air. It speeds healing of cold, flu and hay fever symptoms with stubborn night coughs. It can…
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Reflexology can help children too

How Reflexology Can Help Pregnant Moms – And It’s National Reflexology Week This Week!

Using Reflexology to Help Pregnant Moms and bring on labor the natural way Was adding to my Twitter list last night and typed in ‘reflexology‘ in the search box…and up came Kevin Kunz’s twitter profile along with this link.  Barbara and Kevin Kunz – Reflexology Live Blogspot Don’t you just love synchronicity! So as a…
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