Tag: fortuneteller

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Sarah Energy Woman

I am Sarah, Energy Woman! If you were a SuperHero…what would you look like and what are your special powers?

If you were a SuperHero, who/what/how would you be? I was busy typing away yesterday when my youngest daughter asked me this question. “Why do you want to know?” I asked her.  “Oh, I’m writing security slips for my birthday sleepover, you can only come in if you slide your identity under the door”. Children…
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Pickle the rescue dachshund from Kansas Human Society

My shaggy dog story – or how I found the perfect dog for us using energy

Our shaggy dog story Our rescue dachshund Pickle has been with us for two years now. Our family had wanted a dog for a while, but my oldest girl was definitely dog nervous after a couple of bad experiences so I knew we needed to pick the right dog, both for her and as a…
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peace from broken pieces

Peace from Broken Pieces – ancestral patterns, the Akashic Records, Past Lives and family pathology

If your family patterns have been difficult or you don’t feel in touch with your broken pieces, then I highly recommend this book – it’s not an easy read, but a deep one. Iyanla Vanzant is an internationally recognized author, healer and teacher. In this book she tells the story of the broken pieces of her life, and how she finds a way to put all the pieces in order through the lens of healing herself.

10 things you don't know about Sarah Lawrence

10 things you don’t know about Sarah Lawrence

This post marks 150 blog posts written here! I’ve chosen to use a friends’ writing exercise – 10 things you don’t know about me – to celebrate my 150 blog post mark! I hope you enjoy this – 10 things you didn’t know about Sarah Lawrence.

Arnicare Gel

Boiron’s Arnicare Gel

Arnicare Gel by Boiron – what is it and how to use it Arnicare Gel is a product that gives you pain relief. Ever since I’ve started using it (about 8 years ago now) I always make sure I have some Arnicare Gel in my cupboard, it’s easy to use and it’s a clear gel.…
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Using Affirmations

Using affirmations – from my 8 year old daughter

Using Affirmations Affirmations are positively framed words which help influence our state of mind.  Check out my Using Affirmations page for my take on how to apply them in life. Using Affirmations from my 8 year old daughter (well, 8 and a half!) Arianna wrote these affirmations for me last week when she saw me…
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Samuel_Hahnemann_Memorial for work in Homeopathy

How to deal with a low grade allergic reaction and hives using homeopathy

What a week – a modern medical system breakdown affected me personally!  (And how to deal with a low grade allergic reaction) On Sunday morning I woke up and Arianna (my 8 year old younger daughter) had a low grade allergic reaction.   She had a rash on her cheek…which grew, and grew. By Monday (a…
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Highly sensitive person or hsp

Being too sensitive | Are you a highly sensitive person (HSP)? | Having a highly sensitive child – some thoughts

Being ‘too sensitive’, a Highly Sensitive Person or having Sensory-Processing Sensitivity I am an HSP (highly sensitive person) and so is my oldest daughter.  A  Highly Sensitive Person (or person having Sensory-Processing Sensitivity) is somebody who is defined as a person with an innate behavioral trait where there is a heightened level of observation –…
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Unifieid Field or Lattice

The Gift of the Golden Dolphin – a chakra exercise book for children

The Gift of the Golden Dolphin – an energy exercise book for children by Peggy Pheonix Dubro, the originator of the EMF Balancing Technique – a book review.

talking to heaven

What is intuition or the inner voice? Learn to hear it and move forward more easily on your spiritual journey

What is intuition and are we all psychic? I believe we’re all capable of using our brains/bodies/minds more than we do, in new and unusual ways and I also believe that we can all make use of our intuition or inner voice. I’ve certainly experienced that from the many courses I’ve undertaken…not really knowing why…
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indigo children

Sensitive child? Some helps for moms with sensitive children

My sensitive children – in my opinion, in my experience… I’m going to start this post with a great quote from one of my favorite judges on the tv series The Good Wife.  Don’t know if you follow that series but there is a judge on there that all the lawyers do much better with if…
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Highly sensitive person or hsp

Are you highly sensitive? See if this resonates for you

Are you or your child ‘too sensitive’?  Remember to say thanks! [ctt title=”As a child I was often told I was \’too sensitive\’ or \’too imaginative\’.” tweet=”As a child I was often told I was ‘too sensitive’ or ‘too imaginative’. http://ctt.ec/4XneN+ @SarahsEnergy” coverup=”4XneN”] I had deep and powerful emotional – and sometimes physical – responses to…
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