Louise Hay’s birthday today – share in the abundance!

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Louise Hay’s birthday today – share in the abundance!

you can heal your life

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

you can heal your life
Louise Hay’s ground breaking book ‘You Can Heal Your Life‘ initially went on the best seller lists over 20 years ago when she appeared on the Oprah show.

Today this leading light in personal development has her own publishing company, has created a movie of the book, and organizes personal development seminars with some of the top performers in the field.

Word and States of mind are connected

Louise Hay was one of the first people to make the intuitive connection between the words that we use in our heads daily (our ‘internal dialogue’) and emotional and energetic postures held in the body as a result of these words.  She is able to help people change this internal dialogue into something that is more positively framed and better for our health.

Using Affirmations

If you haven’t used affirmations before, initially it can feel a little strange, but give it a week and notice the benefits.  There is now scientific proof that using positively framed words, both to yourself and with others, shifts brain chemistry and brain state to something that is more beneficial for your health, increases endorphins, and boosts your energy.

Below are three suggested affirmations you may wish to use. If others come up for you, use those!  The first one is my personal favorite from Louise’s book, the other two I created myself.

 I approve of myself
Every day I experience an increasing sense of wholeness
(You can say the words in your head if you’re not in a position to say them out loud.)

I connect with those around me using positive words and attitudes


Some good ways to remind yourself to make time for your affirmation practice….

Write the affirmations on ‘sticky notes’, place them on the bathroom mirror, in your wallet, or anywhere you look on a regular basis, above your desk at work, for example.

Wishing Louise a Happy Birthday, thank you for all that you do!

Hay House, Inc.

3 Responses

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