Side effects of spiritual growth – just a time slip…

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Side effects of spiritual growth – just a time slip…

time slip

Many of us know the words…

To the Rocky Horror Picture show’s song The Time Slip…

It’s just a jump to left
And then a step to the ri-i-i-i-ight
Put your hands on your hips
And pull your knees in tight… Etc.

Wasn’t expecting one of those this week, however!

Side effects of spiritual growth – a time slip

I know many of you reading this post have been there. A powerful spiritual experience that leaves you with a sense of grace for days, weeks. Those are the great ones.

Or a shift in perspective that finally gives you peace over a long-standing issue. (And the personal amusement or satisfaction you quietly experience at the looks on others’ faces when they realize you have changed, but can’t figure out why).

And the knowledge that just like Joseph Campbell, after the last spiritual opening, the river is the still the river, the mountain is still the mountain, yet to, you those things can never just be the river and the mountain again and you can never go back to what things were before, thank goodness.

(If in doubt about this one, just imagine you are Luke Skywalker and you have no choice but to leave the planet with Obi-Wan Kenobi after your family and life was wiped out, that’s about the length of it).

I’ve had the good fortune to participate in those types of experiences and more on the spiritual journey

2016 is turning out to be pretty different. Some kind of portal opening or window of opportunity? During the last few weeks, Natalie Cole (Nat King Cole’s daughter) left us, Lemmy from Motörhead left us and now of course David Bowie has gone on his way to ‘something interesting’.

Talking with a friend at lunch today, I remarked

“It’s amazing how people like that (e.g. David Bowie) are holding us all up and we don’t even know it until they are gone”.


So energetically since David Bowie passed I’ve been noticing some odd phenomena. It’s just a jump to the left…

I’m used to having strong flashbacks, especially when I work in the Akashic Records or take a homeopathic remedy since both are vibrational work. At present it’s happening spontaneously, along with (yesterday evening, anyway) strong waves of anxiety and shall I even say, fear.

After some inquiring from other people in online spiritual groups, I got an answer this afternoon which is satisfying for me, at least. And yes, I am grounding, eating good foods, meditating and doing my yoga practice!

Just imagine the number 9. According to this numerology post-2016 is creating ‘the power of nine in this spiral of time’.  This is a ‘9’ year since 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9.

I could not have asked for a better explanation of what I am feeling. Just imagine the number nine…now stretch it out vertically and turn it into a spiral staircase in your mind.

Imagine yourself standing on this spiral staircase and whipping through time and space in fast motion through your life, gripping the handrail, able to see the past, present and future potentials simultaneously, everywhere you look through the gaps in the staircase.

Yup, that’s about it. This year is going to be interesting.  Definitely a time slip.

It’s just a jump to the left…

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