Walking through illusion – an emotional biography by Betsy Otter Thompson | Book Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

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Walking through illusion – an emotional biography by Betsy Otter Thompson | Book Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Walking Through Illusion – An Emotional Biography

Walking Through IllusionWalking Through Illusion
I don’t know how Betsy Otter Thompson wrote Walking Through Illusion exactly, but I do know that it is amazing.

The premise of Walking Through Illusion is a number of interviews or question and answer sessions with Jesus about his time on earth with his apostles and others that knew him.

In the preface the author Betsy Otter Thompson describes a process whereby she opened her heart to the energy of Jesus since “hearts are free to express from the depth to which they go”.

Walking Through Illusion – the result

The result is a book which is easily accessible and easily read despite plumbing some spiritual depths.

Each chapter stands in its’ own right as both a spiritual exercise and a clarifying of our thought processes, from the first chapter entitled “Reform – Where does Reform begin?” through a total of 23 different focus points or chapters, some examples of issues from Morality, Beliefs, Complaints, Betrayal, through to Identities, Memories, Death and Time.

Each chapter concludes with questions to ask yourself as you play a game with any issues that come up for you after reading the chapter. Here’s the questions from Chapter 1 – Reform – Where does Reform begin?

  • How many useless goals can you think up?
  • How often did you laugh while making that list?
  • List as many meaningful goals as you can imagine.
  • How often did you cry while making that list?

Betsy Otter Thompson starts the game by saying …” when you reach the end of the game – the feeling you have satisfies”, and ends it with “Anything that makes you laugh or cry is neither useless nor trivial but a vital part of your path.  Find the benefits from both.”

In truth, I have read this book through once, but sense so much more to be unpacked even after the first reading that I shall be carrying the book with me for a while yet.  For those who enjoy the Biblical references, there is a section describing the research done to compile the book and an End Notes section which lists the Biblical quotes used as inspiration.

Walking Through Illusion and our energy/Law of Attraction

One of the themes that repeats through the book is that it is our own energy sent out into the world which returns to us ‘like a boomerang’ and is simply a mirror for our own experiences.  There are many great quotes which demonstrate this and provide food for thought.  This one I believe explains this energetic principal further…

Abundance is self-inspired.

Remember this when you think

That someone else

Is the source of what you need.

Is it purely the energy that flows from Betsy’s heart and winds through this book as she offers such statements, or is it the energy of Jesus?  I’ll leave you to decide.  Either way, Walking Through Illusion is an enlightening read.

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