Sitting with a Tibetan Monk – recommended on the Spiritual Journey

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Sitting with a Tibetan Monk – recommended on the Spiritual Journey

Sitting with a Tibetan Monk

Sitting with a Tibetan Monk and the spiritual journey

Sitting with a Tibetan Monk

Lama Tashi Dondup, photo from

I have recently had the experience of sitting with a Tibetan Monk.

It was so transformational and beautiful, yet so natural and peaceful.  If you are focused on the spiritual path and you get the opportunity to spend time sitting with a Tibetan Monk – do it!

Sitting with Tibetan Monk Lama Tashi Dondup

I had the opportunity to attend a workshop here in Wichita, at Innerworks Holistic Health Center where Lama Tashi Dondup was speaking for two days about the nature of death and dying.

Now I agree this may not be everyone’s cup of tea as a weekend activity 🙂 …but as somebody who has studied energetics for nearly 16 years now and having experienced my mother’s passing last year (and a number of energetic phenomena surrounding the events) this subject is an area of focus for me on my spiritual journey.

So I chose to spend this particular weekend sitting with a Tibetan Monk.

Innerworks Event with Lama Tashi Dondup organized by Wichita KTC

The event at Innerworks was organized by the Wichita KTC, this from their website…

Karma Thegsum Choling (KTC) Wichita was  founded in 1996 to create an authentic Tibetan Buddhist practice community in the Wichita area…KTC Wichita provides a place to study and practice the authentic Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.


‘Sitting’ is meditative practice and the lectures and prayers are energetically charged

Before and after each lecture we were all given the opportunity to ‘sit’.  I hadn’t experienced the practice of Tibetan Buddhist Meditation before but do meditate regularly.

We could all sit in whatever position was comfortable for us and experience the present moment for about thirty minutes.  I thought this might be a challenge for me but the time flew by.

The lectures were interesting and matched a lot of the beliefs and experiences in this subject area that I have experienced already…albeit from a different cultural viewpoint.

What was really fascinating to me though was the energy present in the room and my personal experience of a prayer or chant that Lama Tashi gave towards the end of the workshop.

By the way, Lama Tashi is a charming and down to Earth individual who laughs a lot!  Before each lecture he bowed to his deities (similar to praying to God for strength from the Christian viewpoint) and then laughed…we did too…because he was bowing to the images in the projector and his shadow got in the way!

The chants that Tibetan Lamas give to groups have around 600 years of history behind them and the words are truly powerful, somehow encoded with energy and light, even though I had no idea what they meant.

I felt, saw and sensed experiences during the prayer and have felt uplifted and different in a number of ways since.

So, if you get a chance to sit with a Tibetan Monk on your spiritual journey – go!

2 Responses

  1. […] meditators may often achieve Theta waves in their brains for extended periods of time.  (Think Tibetan monks, for […]

  2. […] meditators may often achieve Theta waves in their brains for extended periods of time.  (Think Tibetan monks, for […]

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