Category: Reading the Future with Divination Tools

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Angel Tarot

Tarot Tuesday Ace of Earth | Win a free mini-reading from Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Tarot Tuesday – Ace of Earth It’s Tarot Tuesday again and this week’s featured deck is Doreen Virtue’s Angel Tarot Cards. This week I asked for a card to represent where I should go next with my business (let’s just say I usually have way too many pots on the boil!). The card I pulled…
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Angel Tarot

Tarot Tuesday – Freedom Card from Doreen Virtue’s Life Purpose Oracle Card Deck | Win a free mini-reading with Sarah

Tarot Tuesday – Freedom The card pulled for this week’s Tarot Tuesday is Freedom. Before I pulled the card I asked for a card that truly represented the Mom On A Spiritual Journey blog and it’s reason for being. Freedom is really it, for me. I started writing this blog firstly because my Mum told…
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theory of 8 intelligences

Am I having premonitions and psychic experiences? 3 ways to know for sure

Have you ever had a premonition that came true?

Premonitions don’t have to be earth-shaking or global, sometimes they can be the littlest thing that somehow you knew ahead of time.

How to get more conscious about premonitions and the process of receiving them for spiritual growth purposes? This post lists my 3 keys to awareness.

If you are interested in developing your intuition, I give readings to help support people learn more about their intuitive process.

Go to the Client Portal, choose a half-hour or one-hour Akashic Records Reading, and you will begin the journey>>


Clairaudience, or Clear Hearing – the Inner Voice

Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy book gives us an interesting and unusual insight on the intuition gift of clairaudience, one of the less common clairs. Check out this post to see if you are clairaudient (clear-hearing).

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

Life Purpose Oracle Cards

Life Purpose Oracle Card deck – how to use it

One of my favorite card decks, Doreen Virtue’s Life Purpose Oracle Cards.

During this post I cast a reading and interpret it, so you can see how the process works.

I hope you enjoy this post and check out other oracle card reviews on the blog.

Sarah’s review of Judith Orloff’s Power of Surrender cards>>

Sarah’s review of James Van Praagh and Doreen Virtue’s Talking to Heaven Oracle cards>>

Working with Angels

Working with Angels and angelic energy as a spiritual practice | My personal experiences so far inspired by the work of Doreen Virtue

Working with Angels and angelic energy When I started on my spiritual journey the last thing that I honestly thought about was working with angels. I started working with crystals first, then meditation – swiftly followed by energy work, but angels were the last thing on my mind…until I took a course with a practitioner…
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Automatic Writing

Automatic Writing – what is Automatic Writing and some easy and safe ways to go about it

Automatic Writing – a definition Automatic Writing – what is it? “Automatic writing or psychography is writing which the writer states to be produced from a subconscious and/or spiritual source without conscious awareness of the content”.  (Wikipedia). I have used automatic writing for several years now and find it useful…   when something is bugging…
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gift certificates

Spiritual Gifts For Valentine’s Day | Some heart-opening ideas

Spiritual Gifts for Valentine’s Day and some history and faction around Saint Valentine Valentine’s Day, or St Valentine’s Day, honors an early Christian Martyr, Saint Valentine and only became associated with love and sharing gifts with a loved one in the High Middle Ages. There are several stories surrounding Saint Valentine – in life, he…
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Synchronicity in the New Age

Synchronicity and the New Age What is synchronicity and why do people talk about it? The concept of synchronicity was first described in this terminology by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s. Carl Jung believed in the concept of a collective consciousness. His theory was that synchronistic events are the result of…
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