Tag: astrology

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

cold hard ugly truth

The Cold Hard Ugly Truth About Spirituality – 8 Truths

There is a lot written by myself and many others about our spiritual awakening here on the planet, how to grow spiritually and how to develop our self-awareness and mindfulness.

These are all wonderful practices and have great value in life.

There are some cold hard ugly truths about spirituality, too, however.

Sometimes it can feel like a double-edged sword. Here are 8 cold hard ugly truths on the spiritual journey.

Check out this post, read by more than 8,000 readers to date.>>

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey?  Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today


A skill every empath should have and why

If you are an empath then you are no stranger to emotional, spiritual, phsyical or mental overwhelm. Once you have discovered that you are so empathic, now the journey begins. Once the amazement has worn off of finding part of yourself, what do you do to get completely clear, centered and safe. Here is a piece of information I believe will help you enormously, fellow empath.

gift of energy

Give your dog the gift of energy

Have you ever thought about giving your dog the gift of energy? Dogs have electromagnetic fields too and can sense your emotions and energy. You can use this energetic connection to direct, lead and teach your dog and create a loving and long lasting bond. It’s a gift!

The story of your life is never ordinary

What’s your story morning glory? Our stories may seem boring and everyday to us, if we are not famous or ‘interesting’. Yet the truth is we are all different, our fingerprints, our energy, even our Past Lives. Your story truly is extraordinary.

intuitive insights

Top 3 Mistakes That Can Prevent Growth In Psychic Ability

Do you know the top 3 mistakes people make when they are trying to develop their intuition and psychic ability? Sarah suggests this top 3 and some ways to get around these mistakes and move on to intuitive development and to growing your psychic ability.

acting on grief

Acting on grief – messages from a Loved One

We can receive signs from Loved Ones in the strangest of ways. This day, it was strawberry jello (jelly, UK) with whipped cream and sprinkles. I got good advice from my mum and used it. Messages from Loved Ones can be anything from a butterfly, to pennies moved about, digital clocks being messed with…and desserts!


So your kid doesn’t have allergies? Please hug a mom who’s family does

Allergies – I’m sure you’ve heard about them Have you heard from other moms who’s kids have allergies?  Sometimes the list can seem unending and the ability to accommodate other kids’ with allergies at school or even on a play date is just too much!  I mean – who has time for that? I used…
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Premonitions – why do I always receive negative or sad premonitions?

Premonitions – a really great reader question unpacked I’ve written a few posts about premonitions since I experience them regularly on the spiritual journey. This morning a reader commented on this post “How do I know if I’m having premonitions or psychic experiences – 3 keys to greater awareness”. Readers may also find this post…
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Mom On A Spiritual Journey

My top 3 resources for Empaths

Empaths seem to be awakening!  Many more people on their spiritual journey are realizing that part of the reasons for their spiritual experiences are that they are Highly Sensitive, or feel their own or the emotions of others extremely deeply. Being on the empathic spectrum can also to feeling the energy of locations or imprinted energy within locations, receiving deep knowledge of circumstances – even feeling the emotions of Loved Ones who have passed on if you happen to be an empathic medium.

Yvonne Perry’s excellent book “Who’s Stuff is this Anyway?” will help any conscious or awakening Empath on the path towards the management of their skill and abilities. Also check out this post for two other resources I believe are most helpful for Empaths on the Journey.

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

highly intuitive people

Highly Intuitive People by Heidi Sawyer | Book review by Sarah at Mom On a Spiritual Journey

Highly Intuitive People – Book Review Following on from the work of Elaine Aron PhD with The Highly Sensitive Person or HSP, long time practicing intuitive person Heidi Sawyer leads us on a further journey of self-discovery. In her book Highly Intuitive People: 7 Right-Brain Traits to Change the Lives of Intuitive-Sensitive People published by…
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6 tips for driving your car as a spiritual practice

Driving your car – watching other people Watching somebody you know well drive a car can be an interesting experience.  Are they considerate to their passenger’s comfort?  Do they stick to the speed limits or exceed them?  Are they considerate of other drivers too? And then there’s us… When I was younger you may not…
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haunted hotel

How to cope with staying in a haunted hotel – my experience of the Eldridge KS

The Eldridge Hotel in Lawrence KS – in my experience it is a haunted hotel! Stay there and want a peaceful nights’ sleep, steer clear of the 5th floor. Here’s my story, cold spots, voices and all.