3 Easy Ways to Practice Spreading the Light with Positive Energy

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

3 Easy Ways to Practice Spreading the Light with Positive Energy

How can we practice spreading the light around and projecting positive energy even in difficult times? It’s easy to lose heart, and important not to act this way when we can’t be authentic about it. These 3 positive mood shifters should help.

Sharing positivity in simple ways

Spreading the light may sound like a metaphysical concept.

In fact, it’s very simple to do and has measurable effects which are helpful for our physical bodies, let alone the spiritual, mental or emotional energies.

Sharing positivity and spreading the light comes from…where?

In the West we are often programmed to spend most of our time in mental activity and using our brains.  We are encouraged through Western education to focus almost solely on the front left hemisphere.

See this TEDx talk from Joseph Riggio, one of my mentors, in Greece for a deeper (and very simple) explanation.

If you have ever attended a spiritual workshop or some other kind of personal development program, then you may have experienced exercises which work on helping us to become present. 

Often the focus is on opening our heart areas and other energy systems, as well as working with what we think or say.

Most spiritual teachers and personal development coaches are interested in getting you out of your head and back into your body.  That’s it.

Whatever exercises you do, whatever meditations you sit through, whatever the program, learning to be present in your body will help you to get the most out of it.

Spreading the light – being present

As Joseph says in his video, there is only so much light and energy in the left cortical hemisphere.

There is much, much more if we include the heart and ultimately our other body systems.  Even our chakras, and our ability to generate energy through movement and dance.

You don’t have to be Rudolf Nureyev to do this or give up your day job and go prancing down the street.

Yet your body, mind and soul will benefit from moving more in some way or other.  You will feel more positive and be spreading the light as a result.

Some people just make us feel good to be around, generally because they are very present.

Learning to focus on being present can stop us feeling down and being a ‘downer’ around others. 

We are spreading the light by simply being that.  Being present can also help us to release deeper feelings by being authentic. 

This can result in avoiding the need for drama when we are driving by our subconscious emotions.

Some simple ways to be in the body

  • Walk barefoot outside at least once a day.  It can be for just 5 minutes if you are short on time!  There’s an old Native American proverb (and I’m paraphrasing) that a man shall go mad if he doesn’t walk barefoot outside at least once a day, or as James Kavanaugh says: –

I was born to catch dragons in their dens
And pick flowers
To tell tales and laugh away the morning
To drift and dream like a lazy stream
And walk barefoot across sunshine days.
– – – – James Kavanaugh “Sunshine Days and Foggy Nights”

  •  Take a moment to connect with the body overtlyMy preferred method is Autogenics, where simple affirmations are used to connect us with our bodies using a meditative effect.  An example of this would be “My left arm is warm and heavy” said 3 times 3.  Simply sit quietly, feet on the floor, breathe, relax, and say these words in your mind.  You will soon become aware of your arm and other body parts!
  • Write about or remember out loud a person, situation or circumstance that made you feel a powerful wave of gratitude.  Or, commit to an act of gratitude.  The frequency of gratitude is a whole-body experience so that will kick you back out of your head if need be. 

What are your favorite methods of spreading the light?

We all feel negative or down sometimes.  I’ve learned some energy tools and methods which help me to be more conscious and be in a place where I am spreading the light rather than being down.

I’d love to hear the ways that you find help you flip from the negative to the positive frame.  How do you go about spreading the light?

One Response

  1. […] out (creating more peace internally with practices such as personal development, meditation and energy work) or change from the outside in by changing our life situations, sometimes a piece at a time is […]

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