Category: Health and Wellbeing

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

bad people

What no-one tells you about bad people

Are some people just ‘bad people’, bad to the bone and that is all there is to it?

Or is there a spectrum of badness in many of us?

If so, why?

Perhaps you’ll find this article enlightening on your own journey of learning about bad people, yourself, and your enlightenment on the spiritual journey.

essential oils

Essential Oils – relax and open up your vibration

Do you enjoy the benefits of working with therapeutic essential oils? Or perhaps you would like to get started. Essential oils can help us relax, clear a space and also smell wonderful. Perhaps it’s time to pick an essential oil or two for your spiritual practice as well. Sarah at Mom On A Spiritual Journey has been using Young Living oils since 2005. Read on to find out how essential oils might work for you.

yogic self

Find your yogic self with yoga – not the skinny place

Have you found your yogic self yet? Yoga isn’t just another fitness bandwagon, it’s an age old spiritual practice that challenges you, shows you your ego and changes your body energy. Anything else is just pretty pants. You won’t find your yogic self by looking in the skinny place.

yoga nidra

Yoga Nidra Meditation for Sleep – How to Begin

Maybe you practice yoga, but haven’t tried Yoga Nidra yet? My yoga teacher introduced me to it. It’s an amazing form of in-body meditation ideally to be practiced just after a yoga session. The meaning of Yoga Nidra is ‘the art of body-sleeping’. Using body-talk, a good yoga nidra session will have you relax each part of the body in turn and then pay attention to energy flow. It’s an amazing practice and very relaxing.

bold moves

Make some Bold Moves with Oprah’s new app

If you like playing Bejeweled or Candy Crush, then you may enjoy this new app – Bold Moves – from Oprah with a spiritual approach, using tools to build quotes and work through levels such as Aspirations, Relationships and Gratitude. Enjoy!

3 ways to fight depression

Believe it or not, depression can be a big part of the spiritual journey. Sometimes when we get depressed it can simply be because we’re tired, hungry or overworked (or some combination of all three!). Here are three helps for the depressive state, one energetic, one emotional and one homeopathic.

The way we think about medicine is broken

Are you an individual? Is your DNA the same as everyone else’s? Then why are we continuing to expect that one cure will fit all? Start to think differently about our medical profession and see what you can change by becoming an informed consumer.

yoga creates antioxidants

Yoga creates antioxidants and tight buns

When I regularly practice yoga, I hardly ever catch a cold/flu strange unwell thing that other people are complaining about. I believe it’s because my vital force or chi is more active and therefore so is my immune system.

gift of energy

Give your dog the gift of energy

Have you ever thought about giving your dog the gift of energy? Dogs have electromagnetic fields too and can sense your emotions and energy. You can use this energetic connection to direct, lead and teach your dog and create a loving and long lasting bond. It’s a gift!

The story of your life is never ordinary

What’s your story morning glory? Our stories may seem boring and everyday to us, if we are not famous or ‘interesting’. Yet the truth is we are all different, our fingerprints, our energy, even our Past Lives. Your story truly is extraordinary.

Can a liver and gallbladder cleanse be a spiritual experience?

How can we make our livers happy? And what effect does a liver and gallbladder cleanse have on our health. It’s good to know there are other options than surgery if this interests you.


So your kid doesn’t have allergies? Please hug a mom who’s family does

Allergies – I’m sure you’ve heard about them Have you heard from other moms who’s kids have allergies?  Sometimes the list can seem unending and the ability to accommodate other kids’ with allergies at school or even on a play date is just too much!  I mean – who has time for that? I used…
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