Soul Groups in the Akashic Records – February 2022 Podcast

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Soul Groups in the Akashic Records – February 2022 Podcast

soul groups

It’s February 22nd, 2022 and I’m talking about Soul Groups!

I’m sure many of you are enjoying today’s date, there are also 22 Oversouls, so I thought it would be a great day to talk about Soul Groups.

Since this is an auspicious date, I created a short podcast today with a guide on a suggested meditative practice, if you would like to do that.

Then I go on to talk about Soul Groups.

What is a Soul Group?

A Soul Group is part of your origination information as an incarnated Soul.  Imagine your Soul being very newly born, and wanting to learn as much about itself as possible.

When a Soul first creates itself, it wants to learn as much about its’ qualities as possible in order to understand the experience of being a separate Soul – separated from Group Consciousness.

One of the ways a Soul does this is to incarnate into a Soul Group that is most like its’ major qualities.  And that is your Soul Group of Origination!

So enjoy the discussion about my Soul Group. If you want to learn more and discover your own Soul Group, then that and quite a few other things can be learned from the Soul Star Akashic Reading that I offer.

Show notes

In this podcast, I mention the Starseed Oracle Card Deck.

Here is the review I wrote on here about that Oracle Card Deck.

If you are curious about the Fifth Element, it’s available on quite a few streaming channels.

Here’s a link to a trailer on Youtube.

The song mentioned was Wishing Well by the group ‘Free’.

Here’s a link to the song on Youtube.

Lots of light, and I hope you enjoy the podcast!




One Response

  1. […] We also derive from 24 different Soul Groups. […]

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