Review of The Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Deck by John Holland

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Review of The Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Deck by John Holland

spirit messages

Spirit Messages Oracle Cards by John Holland

Buy on AmazonToday I’m reviewing John Holland’s lovely Spirit Messages Oracle Card deck in the best way possible, by demonstrating a reading.

John Holland’s daily guidance oracle deck is a 50 card deck.  It’s designed to:-

  • give you support, comfort, and divine guidance from Spirit
  • connect you with loved ones, such as family, ancestors, and friends
  • bring through messages from Spirit Guides and helpers
  • assist with clarity and direction around turnings points in your life.

The focus is on self-love, vulnerability, trust, and relationships.

Three-card spread

Today I pulled a three-card spread using this deck for my daily spiritual guidance reading, and received the following cards:-

spirit messagesspirit messages spirit messages

1. Choices

Being reminded of the chain of choice and consequence is always helpful.

When we learn to take full responsibility for the choices we make in life, then we can gain deep insights from this perspective.

Nobody ever said it was easy, though!  I like the imagery of many doors on the card radiating out from the person’s heart center.

This is a reminder to me of the Zone of Choice in the Akashic Records.

We learn to step up into this Zone and look out into possible futures within the Akashic Records.  This helps us to review probable and possible outcomes and gain more clarity over decision-making.

This is how it is possible to read the future, from our current perspective of where we are now.  Then we can decide where we choose to go next.

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying…

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

2. Support

This is a good reminder that people can come and go from our lives.

H1N1 Vaccine

Margaret Elizabeth Hubbard (nee Lawrence), January 3rd 1928-July 27th 2010

As a single mom, sometimes I feel unsupported.  Yet I have many female ancestors who were extremely strong women!

Above is a picture of my mum, who was the one to tell me I should write about what I know.  So, she inspired this site.

I have also reconnected with some family members over the last few years who are also psychic, like me.

It’s comforting to know that I am always surrounded by a web of energetic support from Spirit, as well as from friends and family in my current life.

3. Vulnerability

Being vulnerable can often get beaten out of us in school or through difficult life experiences.

This card is a wonderful reminder to sidestep fear and to not allow it to hold us back.  I particularly like this quote on the card…

Don’t…allow a misguided sense that feeling vulnerable is somehow a negative condition.

It reminds me of a movie I watched this week called Switch.  It’s about two friends who through a comic situation end up becoming partners and parents.

The male leading character gets called out for being very sensitive, and protests, saying that being introspective is a virtue.

As a Highly Intuitive Person, I agree.  Without introspection and self-review, we cannot evolve and learn to know ourselves better.

Finally, this card fell out of the Spirit Messages Deck

spirit messages

I generally pick cards for a daily reading by shuffling the cards and allowing the relevant card to either fall from the deck or stick up out of the center.

As I was putting the deck down, this card fell onto the desk.

I know it’s from my daughter, Callie.

She passed in 2017, and March is her birthday month.  I’ve been feeling very sad the last few days, yet I’ve also noticed some progress in my grief.

This is the first year I’ve been able to put her name and the age she would have been this year (20) on my kitchen calendar.  Before this, it’s been too painful to note.

The green healing energy of the card reminds me of Archangel Raphael, the healing angel.

I know this is Callie because of the fact that the card displays a mother and daughter.  We both have dark hair, too.

It’s a very personal and powerful card for me.


One Response

  1. […] For a deeper review of this deck with an example reading, go here. […]

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