Starseed Oracle Card Deck Review – unusual box and beautiful cards

Like me, you may have quite a collection of Oracle card decks, and the Starseed Oracle card deck is well worth adding to your collection. If you connect with the concept of Soul Groups and Starseed Energy, then you will find the vibration of this deck very attractive. And the box is unusual, too.
Table of Contents
Introducing the Starseed Oracle Card Deck

This is a review of the Starseed Oracle Card Deck.
I know a lot of people who read this blog of course love Tarot card decks and Oracle cards.
This one, The Starseed Oracle: A 53-Card Deck and Guidebook by Rebecca Campbell, artwork by Danielle Noel, is definitely worth considering as a deck to add to your meditative collection.
It’s also excellent for divination or Akashic Records work in my opinion.
Rebecca Campbell is also the author of Light Is the New Black: A Guide to Answering Your Soul’s Callings and Working Your Light and Rise Sister Rise: A Guide to Unleashing the Wise, Wild Woman Within.
Danielle Noel, who created the art for the Starseed Oracle Card Deck, has also created two other decks, The Starchild Tarot, and The Moonchild Tarot.
Let’s start the review – the box is quite unusual
First of all, I love the box and the unusual shape of the box.
I think this box has been designed as an energetic tool.
I notice that quite a few Hayhouse decks are now displaying messages inside the box to support the vibration of the cards.
The Starseed Oracle Card deck is no exception.
The message inside the box is
Your heart is a portal
Rebecca Campbell

The box itself opens into a pointed design, which reminds us of the spiritual and energetic concept of ‘As Above, So Below‘.
This box is also solid enough so that, if you like, you can keep a recent card pull in the lower lid of the box for reference.
The rest of the deck can rest conveniently in the other half of the box in the meantime.
The artwork, colors, and design are uplifting and definitely give the Intuitive Sensitive or Intuitive Empath the energy feel required to enhance working with the cards.
My 7-card pull with the Starseed Oracle Card deck

I chose to do a 7-step card pull about the direction of my work and how I can best move forward.
I also enquired about how I am connected energetically as a Starseed and working with the Star Mothers.
This is the card pull I received.
- Earthed – Learning how to be human, in the world but not of it
- Whale and Orca Elders – Share your Song, Frequency of Sound, Diving deep
- You Got the Love – Hadarian Energy, Codependency, Boundaries
- Empathic Starseed – Energetic sovereignty. Absorbing what’s not yours.
- Your Life is a Canvas – Artist, Manifestation. Creative accountability.
- All Paths Lead Home – Inner authority. Intuition. Turn your gaze within.
- Deep Cellular Healing – Arcturus Energy, Physical and Emotional Healing.
Some meanings of this reading in more detail
I’m sure many of us can resonate with the first card I received.
It’s definitely hard work to be here and to be aware of other energies from other dimensions too.
Not to mention working with the nature of consciousness. Many of us feel that we are here, but not from here.

You may notice from the card pull that some of the cards mention Soul Groups or Starseed Groups.
The examples in this card pull are Hadarian Energy and Arcturus Energy.
The Hadarians’ main mission is to bring unconditional love to Earth (just a small mission).
The Arcturians have been involved with the seeding of the Earth from the beginning and helped design the human energy system, such as the chakras and blood flow.
Both of these have specific characteristics for the Wanderer or Starseed Soul to learn.
Soul Groups are referenced in this card deck
As an Akashic Records Reader, I find this very interesting and also validating.
When I give Soul Star Readings, one of the pieces of work that I do for a client is to connect them or confirm for them their Soul Group of origin.
This group of origin is often a Star Group. To learn more about the characteristics of the Sirian Soul Star Group, you might enjoy this article.
These two Star Groups mentioned in the list above are included in the list that I check for. So for me, this validation that we are all reading the same energy.
I am also working on more material with a sound or recorded element. Hence the Whale and Orca Elders card is also very relevant for me at present.
Being highly empathic, I have had difficulty with boundaries in past intimate relationships. The You Got the Love and Empathic Starseed are both very relevant there.
I am working on bringing visual art into my work and feel that I have finally found my connection to creativity through writing and giving readings.
I’m definitely growing my intuition and successfully doing the deeper work to connect to Self-Love and Healing.
I love this deck – both the content and artwork
As you can tell, I’m very much enjoying this deck and the high vibrations that are transmitted from the artwork and card designs.
The first paragraph of the book introduces this deck as
The Starseed Oracle is for Starseeds; Souls who have a longing for all that is mysterious and unknown.
Rebecca Campbell
If that is you, you will love this deck too.
Oracle Card Readings with Sarah
Sarah is an Intuitive Coach and Akashic Records Reader, and can also offer you card readings (including this deck). Download the readings brochure to learn more about the 12 different readings on offer.
7 Responses
[…] Here is the review I wrote on here about that Oracle Card Deck. […]
[…] Here is the review I wrote on here about that Oracle Card Deck. […]
[…] To read my in-depth review of the Starseed Oracle card deck, go here. […]
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