What is Ancestral Repatterning within the Akashic Records?

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

What is Ancestral Repatterning within the Akashic Records?

ancestral repatterning

Ancestral Repatterning, or Light Lattice Repair

Lately, I have been noticing some new techniques appearing within my Akashic Records Reading work for clients–including Ancestral Repatterning.

This journey has been going on actively for me since 2010.

The experience of working in the Akashic Records never ceases to amaze and awe me.

The potential for change, healing, or even the simplest of results is an uplifting sensation for myself and for clients.

I feel blessed to be able to do this work and continue to study hard.

This helps to increase my connection to the Akashic Records for clients and to grow my own intuitive skills for the same reason.

How can a healing technique like this help us?

For those of you that enjoy a little spiritual adventure, here is a short exercise in Ancestral Repatterning.

When you have a quiet moment, meditate on the following questions and journal your answers.

Ask to connect with your Spirit Guides, any Akashic Guides that may be ready to step in and work with you, any Angelic Beings you work with, or Ascended Masters that you like to work with.

Ancestral Repatterning Exercise

What am I ready to heal from my past or my ancestral past, or even my Past Lives?

The big question I know! I suggest the following writing prompts to get you going…

When I think about my current life family, what are the issues that need healing for me?

I have issues with a person in my family who_______________________________

My own behavior gets in the way when__________________________________

The blocks I can definitely identify that are holding me back are ___________________________from my present family grouping.

Make a request once you have journaled

Is there anything from my ancestral line coming up for clearing presently?

Can I be guided to memories or thoughts that offer the opportunity to heal or clear any restrictions or blocks in my ancestral line? 

What are the key memories that will help me with Ancestral Repatterning at this time?

Write down a list of any intuitive hits you get.

Now get specific about your Past Lives

From my Past Lives on Earth, what energetic restrictions or blocks have been carried forward with me into this life that are now presented for healing?

Write down another list of intuitive hits.

Then become focused on the body

It’s fine whatever you get. It may come in as words, visions, voices, a ‘knowing’ or ‘sense’, or even a flashback or connection with old memories. Just journal it all down and look it over.

Then ask ‘Where in the body do I feel these blocks, restrictions, issues _______________ (fill in the blank).

You may receive a strong body sense, even get emotions coming up, breathe through them as best you can, and imagine each area of the body where these feelings or sense of something expanding as a white point of light.

You may receive one of these sensations or emotions, or several–whatever is right for you will appear

Continue to imagine, think about or allow these white points of light to glow and become incandescent, lighting up the areas of the body where they reside.

Notice how you feel and keep breathing.

Check-in, and see how you feel after a few minutes. Has your mood changed? Do you feel you got some energy moving?

After this, I would highly recommend a deep meditation technique such as Yoga Nidra or Transcendental Meditation to really release any cleared energies from the body.

Let me know what you think of this exercise and any results you get!

Would you like a deeper experience of Ancestral Repatterning?  I’d suggest the Life Situations Reading>>

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