Hello gallbladder cleanse and helloooo emotions!

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Hello gallbladder cleanse and helloooo emotions!

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Cleanse the gallbladder and liver, release emotions, improve your diet, and prevent a gallbladder attack

What causes gallbladder pain, what are gallbladder symptoms and why do some people experience a gallbladder attack?  Can emotions stored in our body be released during these types of episodes as well as the stones?

The Roby Chart tells us that the gallbladder is connected to the solar plexus chakra and that it is responsible for the emotion of rage.

Louise Hay tells us in You Can Heal Your Life that gallstones relate to bitterness, hard thoughts, condemnation, and pride.

The affirmation to help clear this pattern is…

There is a joyous release of the past.  Life is sweet and so am I.


John Edward tells us that the Solar Plexus is connected to the element of Fire, our ego identity, and oriented to Self-Definition.

I tried a liver and gallbladder cleanse to ease gallbladder attacks

gallbladderAfter two gallbladder attacks, I’m on the phone with an old friend who is the gallbladder and liver queen.  She also helped me write this post about the vagus nerve.

We have known each other a long time (ex-Navy spouses) and she has worked through many products to keep herself well.

Now it’s my turn.  I eat reasonably well (for a Brit abroad on the Kansas Prairie).

My two pregnancies were later in life.

I also had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) when I was younger and during the last few years, I’ve been lazy and off and on with a healthy diet.

Now the unhealthy parts are coming home to roost

I had eaten a Thai dinner I cooked and it just wasn’t going down well…that was not the unhealthy part.

The too-regular chocolate bars and trips to Starbucks were coming home to roost.

In the middle of watching The Good Wife, pain.  Stabbing pain under my right rib cage and up under my shoulder blade.  Ow, ow, ow.  Enough to take my breath away and make me scared.

Gallbladder pain and gallbladder attacks are reported to be even more painful than a heart attack.  Having experienced gallbladder pain, I would think that this is possibly true.

Essential oils, reflexology points, hot packs, and homeopathic remedies can ease the discomfort of a gallbladder attack

On the advice of my friend, hot packs were applied, and 4 hours later, I remembered a gallbladder NER remedy I had in the cupboard (homeopathic remedy combined with 5-element acupuncture theory).

I took it.  Then I took homeopathic histamine (called hystaminum – good for allergic reactions and inflammation).  Seemed like the right thing to do.

Things began to die down.  Then it went away.  Oh, OK, I’m better.

2 weeks later…same thing, same time.  This time I had felt it coming on all day but worked on the house and garden because I had so much energy.

This time I realized I was having a gallbladder attack.

Gallbladder symptoms – a person may need to have a gallbladder cleanse if…

going to the bathroom becomes irregular, too regular, or just plain odd
the joints and body aches (toxins)
a headache when drinking coffee (and I drink decaf – my friend told me that it’s a sign my liver is jammed up)
extreme body tiredness….just…can’t…get…the…body…moving
energy spikes OMG I’ve done the housecleaning, laundry, baked and have still not stopped (OK that was the week before last)
sore lymph nodes in my right armpit which come and go (lymph system jamming and then clearing above the gallbladder area).

There can be intense pain with a gallbladder attack.

In my case, I’ve experienced powerful pain under my right shoulder blade. This is one of the classic gallbladder symptoms.

Yoga stretches have helped a lot during attacks.  I became an expert down-dogger for a while since that post (plus side stretches) really seemed to help to move things through.

I also had a back massager with a hook that hit exactly the right spot under my shoulder blade and helped a lot.

Finally, using strong essential oils on the sore spots, plus in one case drinking several cans of coke (weird I know, but it works) cleared one particularly bad attack.

Coke has a type of acid in it, which as you may know some people use to start cars or even clean their toilets!  It also clears out gallbladder stones sometimes.  That doesn’t mean that it’s good for you though!

What about other energy in motion…E-motions in the gallbladder?

Flashbacks galore, old memories and old feelings associated with those memories are rising up and popping like the steam on a bowl of boiling soup.

A recent dream

A very lucid dream about being in my old junior school classroom (1st grade for those in the US).

Mrs. Noyse was the teacher’s name. She was very controlled and somewhat controlling, a good teacher but she made me drink lukewarm milk because it was free at school.

It got delivered in the am and sat outside our classroom all morning. Bleecccchh. It was the full-flat kind with cream on top.

In my dream I was in the classroom but as an adult doing a yoga class with my friends.  I had to open my wallet to pay for the class and in there was a $22 dollar bill. Then I dreamed I pooped my pants and woke up. :-0

Luckily the pants pooping was only in the dream!  I’m wondering…did the lukewarm milk upset my stomach? I never drank it separately as a child other than at school because it just made me feel unwell.

Perhaps I blocked an incident because of shame

My brain didn’t remember, but my gallbladder does.


I’ve done the full gallbladder and liver cleanse now, Epsom Salts, Olive oil, and didn’t have to have the surgery.  I did the cleanse 4 times.

Success!  I would only recommend doing this with a surgeon’s approval.  I felt safe that I had a good option B if required.

If you’d like to learn more about spiritual and energetic cleansing, you might enjoy this post.

Sarah is an Intuitive Coach and Akashic Records Reader.  You can download the brochure listing all 12 Readings she offers, and contact her here at the Client Portal.


9 Responses

  1. Linda Burk says:

    Amazing article! Thanks a lot for such an information. During the last year I have read a lot about gallbladder disease. How to treat it, how to prevent it. But I have never read the information that includes such remedies as: essential oils, reflexology points, and others which can ease the discomfort during a gallbladder attack. Once again THANK YOU! galdbladderhelp.com

  2. Kat says:

    I love to use essential oils for many home remedies. I agree that they can help with gallbladder problems and other various diseases. Great article!

  3. […] while back I wrote this post about waking up to gallbladder attacks. After some work with my favorite acupuncturist and some dietary changes, the attacks went […]

  4. […] Over the last two years I have been forced into a whole different way of eating and thinking about energy through lessons via my liver and gallbladder. (Gallbladder stones). […]

  5. […] Over the last two years I have been forced into a whole different way of eating and thinking about energy through lessons via my liver and gallbladder. (Gallbladder stones). […]

  6. […] To learn more about physical cleansing, you might enjoy this post about the liver and gallbladder. […]

  7. jane2415 says:

    I have this horrible lymphatic stagnation – I know 100% its linked to liver and GB awaiting a scan is there a way to save the day please? check on your FB I have posted a message to you there thanks.

    • Hi Jane

      Sorry to hear that, how uncomfortable. If it’s that chronic I would suggest anything you do needs to be run by your doctor first. (I didn’t do the cleanses until I’d checked with mine, and she was happy enough with the state of me to agree, and my potential surgeon too). Given that, you could try a coffee enema (use special coffee for that, you can find it on the internet). Enemas are only for the bold, but they can definitely help when systems jam up like this. It’s important to check with your doctor first, because clearing stones can then cause other issues in other parts of the body when you have a jam up like this. I hope you feel better soon, and get your scan asap.

    • Sarah Lawrence says:

      Hi Jane

      Sorry to hear that, how uncomfortable. If it’s that chronic I would suggest anything you do needs to be run by your doctor first. (I didn’t do the cleanses until I’d checked with mine, and she was happy enough with the state of me to agree, and my potential surgeon too). Given that, you could try a coffee enema (use special coffee for that, you can find it on the internet). Enemas are only for the bold, but they can definitely help when systems jam up like this. It’s important to check with your doctor first, because clearing stones can then cause other issues in other parts of the body when you have a jam up like this. I hope you feel better soon, and get your scan asap.

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