Search Results for “empaths”

Mom On A Spiritual Journey

My top 3 resources for Empaths

Empaths seem to be awakening!  Many more people on their spiritual journey are realizing that part of the reasons for their spiritual experiences are that they are Highly Sensitive, or feel their own or the emotions of others extremely deeply. Being on the empathic spectrum can also to feeling the energy of locations or imprinted energy within locations, receiving deep knowledge of circumstances – even feeling the emotions of Loved Ones who have passed on if you happen to be an empathic medium.

Yvonne Perry’s excellent book “Who’s Stuff is this Anyway?” will help any conscious or awakening Empath on the path towards the management of their skill and abilities. Also check out this post for two other resources I believe are most helpful for Empaths on the Journey.

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

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soul level perspectives

How to learn more about Soul Levels of Consciousness

How can we shift our perspectives more easily? A little help from our Soul level perspective can change our view of the world in extremely helpful ways.

what are your strengths as an empath

What are your strengths as an Empath?

I recently started writing on Quora and had a very interesting question come up which made me consider the above question – what are your strengths as an empath – in more depth.

What are your strengths as an empath – and how to tune into them?

I believe the first step is to become empowered through your empathic skills. At least 15% of the population are more empathic, possibly due to a combination of nurture and nature.

Empaths and intuitive sensitives have been found to have a higher density of mirror neurons than the ‘average’ population.

If you are empathic you may be able to…

– tune in to other people’s emotions

– read emotional energy or emotional states very easily

– be affected by collective emotional energy unconsciously or consciously.

bad people

What no-one tells you about bad people

Are some people just ‘bad people’, bad to the bone and that is all there is to it?

Or is there a spectrum of badness in many of us?

If so, why?

Perhaps you’ll find this article enlightening on your own journey of learning about bad people, yourself, and your enlightenment on the spiritual journey.


Dealing with intuitive manipulation October podcast

So for you, the listener and spiritual journeyer, where are you on the road to understanding intuitive manipulation? As I mentioned in my blog post this month at New World Energetics – How to Save yourself from intuitive manipulators, the gut is a really good place to start.

Ask yourself, if you are interacting with somebody who causes you to be suspicious of their intentions, where in your body does this wisdom come from? This month’s podcast gives you the empath or spiritual sensitive some tools on how to deal with intuitive manipulators.

My 5 favorite comments left by you on this blog and why I like them

Here are my 5 favorite comments from the blog to date. Thank you to everyone who comments here and shares their precious time and thoughts! We all learn so much when we discuss our spirituality, wellness and health. In the light!

being an empath

Being an empath – where do you start?

You have discovered you are an empath or perhaps you are an awakening empath, but don’t know where to start?

Recently a potential client visited my facebook page and we had this chat.

With her permission, I thought I’d publish it because it will be so helpful for so many people. Empaths check it out!

For other posts about Empaths and Empathy, click this link>>

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

cold hard ugly truth

The Cold Hard Ugly Truth About Spirituality – 8 Truths

There is a lot written by myself and many others about our spiritual awakening here on the planet, how to grow spiritually and how to develop our self-awareness and mindfulness.

These are all wonderful practices and have great value in life.

There are some cold hard ugly truths about spirituality, too, however.

Sometimes it can feel like a double-edged sword. Here are 8 cold hard ugly truths on the spiritual journey.

Check out this post, read by more than 8,000 readers to date.>>

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey?  Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today


A skill every empath should have and why

If you are an empath then you are no stranger to emotional, spiritual, phsyical or mental overwhelm. Once you have discovered that you are so empathic, now the journey begins. Once the amazement has worn off of finding part of yourself, what do you do to get completely clear, centered and safe. Here is a piece of information I believe will help you enormously, fellow empath.

emf balancing technique

How the EMF Balancing Technique can help us to heal even in transition

How working with the human electromagnetic field can give Loved Ones comfort during their transition.

empath moms

Empath Moms and Children

Are you an empath, or perhaps an awakening empath?

What if you are a mom, also?

How do you deal with energetic overload, sensory overload, and just plain dealing with family life?

Check out this post for some ideas and thoughts on the subject of being an Empath Mom, and for more resources, either search for ’empath’ on the blog page or click this link to see all posts about Empaths>>.

Did you know that sometimes being overcaring, or extremely nurturing, can be a karmic glitch in your Akashic Record because of patriarchal energy or repeated lifetimes of over-giving?

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

you are dearly loved

What is an empath and what gifts do we have to offer you?

Empaths and what we feel There have been several great posts around the internet recently on the subject of being an Empath. My definition of an empath is somebody who can sense something about other people, locations and sometimes animals or plant life, whether it is an uncomfortable sensation… their discomfort or pain their emotions…
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