Latest interviews with Sarah Lawrence

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Latest interviews with Sarah Lawrence

sarah lawrence interviews

Three of the latest interviews with Sarah Lawrence, Youtube, a blog post and a Podcast!

Here are three interviews that were created between 2020-2021.

These 3 different interviews will give you an insight into the work that I do. If you are interested in booking an Akashic Records reading you can learn a lot more about my approach here.

Youtube Interview with Kevin Moore at the Moore Show

Kevin invited me to do this interview sometime in 2020. We all know what 2020 was like! The interview got uploaded on April 23rd, 2021, and at this point, my website got very busy!

So, he didn’t get my name quite right, but he’s such a great interviewer…what’s not to like?

When Kevin interviewed me, we were both amused to discover that we are both British, and also living in Kansas. That’s an odd kind of synchronicity.

We covered a lot of ground in this interview. As a result, I ended up channeling some of the information spontaneously. This is why I was occasionally asking Kevin to repeat some questions.

It’s hard to channel energy and be interviewed at the same time!

It’s hard to channel and interpret energy and run the left brain at the same time. Something I learned on the job. Still, it was an interesting and fun interview. We covered a lot of ground.

During the interview, we talked about: –

  • Virginia Beach, Edgar Cayce and the ARE (Association of Research and Enlightenment)
  • How long I’ve been energy sensitive and what it’s like
  • When I opened to the energy of the Akashic Records and the Soul Blueprint
  • The State of Mind required to access your Akashic Records – anyone can do it!
  • How to search for actionable information in the Akashic Records
  • The Attunement Process for clients
  • People who have influenced me on my journey
  • What we need to do to create a consciousness shift on planet Earth
  • Soul Groups
  • Data patterns in the Akashic Records (the non-local field of our present and past lives)
  • The story of my mum’s passing – my mum is the reason why I named this blog ‘Mom On A Spiritual Journey’.
  • How our Soul Aspects can inform career choices
  • Past Lives
  • Unresolved Karmic Patterns and how they can restrict our energy

Interviews with Sarah Lawrence – at

interviews with Sarah Lawrence

Mystic Mag is a psychic review website. Maybe you will find a favorite psychic listed in the blog section!

Some of my friends and colleagues are on there for sure.

Mystic Mag recommends some classic psychic resources and only lists reputable psychics. Because of this, it was very validating to be asked for an interview.

Here’s the link to the blog post at Mystic Mag>>

The questions asked were: –

  • Information about my background
  • A description of the Akashic Records
  • How can the Akashic Records shed light on our Soul in a meaningful way?
  • How can acessing the Akashic Records heal?
  • What are the more popular aspects that your clients seek guidance on?
  • Where would you recommend a person start in beginning their spiritual journey with your readings?
  • What is the number one thing that holds most people back from living the fulfilling life they would like?
  • Any advice for someone seeking their soul’s purpose?

Podcast with Raphaelle Cox at The Transformative Studio

interviews with sarah lawrence
Raphaelle Cox

I’ve known Raphaelle Cox for over a year. She’s a professional and adept podcast host.

She’s also an experienced designer. Raphaelle worked in design consultancy for over 20 years.

At The Transformative Studio, Raphaelle currently offers brand styling for spiritual business owners, to help them embody their own brand.

In this podcast, we discussed: –

  • Understanding where you are on your spiritual journey

Here’s the link to listen to the podcast>>

Sarah is an Intuitive Coach and Akashic Records Reader.  You can download the brochure listing all 12 Readings she offers, and contact her here at the Client Portal.

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  1. […] So here are 10 things you don’t know about Sarah Lawrence. […]

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