Give your dog the gift of energy

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Give your dog the gift of energy

gift of energy

If we have a pet, we want to give them our best – one way to do this is to gift them the gift of energy. We can use energy to connect with our dog, cat or other beloved pet, because it’s the way they communicate with us. Try some of the ideas in this post – I guarantee that you and your pet will enjoy them.

How to communicate non-verbally with your dog

Pickle the rescue dachshund from Kansas Human Society
This is me, world!

What is the Gift of Energy for a dog? Anyone who knows me knows that I am a BIG Cesar Millan fan.

I followed his teachings when bringing our dog Pickle home from the Kansas Humane society.

All of us had a very smooth transition, with only one poopy accident during the whole of our time together (and that was a misunderstanding).

How did I do this? I made sure that I gave Pickle lots of instructions on how I would like her to behave through action and demonstrations, which is how dogs learn.

Dogs apply words and verbal instructions to our actions; they don’t learn the instruction first.

What do I need to give my dog a gift of energy?

Dogs, like us, are energetic beings.

They have an electromagnetic field, or lattice, too. You may not agree with me but here, try an energy experiment for yourself and see.

Experiment with your dog: pointing and the line of energy

Imagine, think about or even pretend for a moment that you and your dog are connected by an invisible thread when in the house, yard, or out on a walk.

When the dog is calm and you have the dog’s attention, direct your dog by pointing your finger in the direction you want them to go and imagine a golden thread coming out of your finger in that direction too. (Important: NO WORDS).

Words are for human energy only.

Dogs understand unspoken energy and body language, it’s how they roll. (Or not, at least not in something smelly, hopefully).

Later on, they will connect the words you use with the energy and body language you project so that they can respond to spoken demands.

Keep at it. Soon your dog will be paying attention. The energy connection will become so immediate that the dog will almost seem to respond to your thought about pointing (thoughts have energy too, by the way).

The gift of energy – commands

Cesar Millan suggested this as an exercise once and I carried it through.

It works with friends’ dogs too! If you want your dog to sit, NO WORDS.

Send the energy any way that works for you, a picture of them sitting, a feeling of being low down, transmitting a sense of pressure to their behind from your hand at a distance. Keep at it.

At some point, the dog will feel what you are doing and respond. Well done! Now you are giving your dog the gift of energy.

Corrections are essential, do them with behavior, not words

If you’ve ever seen dogs in a pack or group, one dog may correct another in a number of ways.

A nudge, a push, a growl, a snap and in extreme cases a laying on of teeth and growling. Sometimes a vibration of energy will be enough.

Dogs don’t resent things like this because they live in the moment. If you are the leader of your dog and demonstrate positive Alpha traits to them, they will accept your corrections and simply move on.

The gift of corrective energy

Dogs need correcting, just like kids need correcting.

Sadly, my previous next-door neighbor never corrected his dogs when they are outside.

The result was that they would bark and growl constantly at us (and my dog) through the fence whenever they were out.

The neighbor appeared not to know about the dog-human energy connection. He was well-intentioned, so when he heard them barking, he would remove them and put them inside the house, which he saw as being helpful.  But he never corrected them.

This mean that his dogs never learned to be comfortable outside with other people or dogs in their gardens to either side. Difficult for his dogs, and for the neighbors.

Removing a dog to a different location is not a correction.

Dogs don’t respond to time-outs because they don’t have the same concept of time as we do. They don’t have the same concept of anything the way we do because they are dogs!

Use energy to stop your dog barking

You can connect using energy and create a deep, lovely, and meaningful relationship with your dog.

Do you have a dog that barks outside? Go out there and make the SSSHHHT noise. Repeatedly if necessary.

Get your dog’s attention by nudging, leashing it, or making it lay or sit down so that it stops barking while the annoyance is still outside.

Repeat this over time, the correction time needed will get shorter and the dog will get quieter.

And you won’t piss off the neighbors either.

The situation with our neighbor’s dogs just continued to accelerate because he didn’t know how to correct them.

The small dog got out the other day and tried to bite my then husband.

Both of these dogs would try and bite me, him or our children if they could, but that’s because they have never been corrected and had their pent-up energy or anxiety released over the situation.

If you give your dog the gift of corrective energy, it will be better for you, your dog, and the whole community.

Aww, but won’t I hurt its’ feelings?

No, you won’t. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your dog will be ‘hurt’ or ‘upset’ if you correct it.

That is human thinking, not dog thinking.

Dogs live in the present and accept correction as a way forward and a chance to bond their energy more deeply with the pack (that would be you).

Your dog is looking for you to lead them and this is the way.

The Ask – giving your dog the gift of energy

Why is giving your dog the gift of energy important? To create a deep and lasting relationship. A common ‘ask’ is for food. 

My dog does it, I’m sure yours does too. 

Does my dog use words? Does she say, “I say, my good woman, would you possibly put some fine dog food in my bowl?

No, she sits and stares and transmits ENERGY. Can you feel it when your dog transmits energy to you? If you can only imagine feeling it, what would it feel like?

All dogs do this.

In fact, my dog is sitting and staring at me right now as I’m writing this because she wants to go for a walk and needs to go to the bathroom.

How do I know this? Because I’ve put a little time and effort into understanding her signs and signals and the feelings that she transmits to me.

Create a beautiful relationship with your dog

The process of creating an energetic connection is very bonding and a wonderful gift for any dog.

Just imagine coming into a new family and not being able to talk at all.

All you can do is make noises, move your body, smell smells, see these strange two-leggeds doing things, and hope that someone will understand your wants and needs.

What do they want you to do?  You don’t know because nobody is communicating your personal pack language to you.

And one day – miraculously – somebody does! They connect with you; they begin to understand your ‘asks’ and they make you feel comfortable and at home.

So you follow their lead and you are home, in your pack.

You can transmit your intentions with energy, and you are heard and responded to instead of ignored or yelled at, neither of which you understand.

How wonderful!  You love your pack leader and all the other pack members and want to be a good pack member yourself.

That is why it’s so important to give your dog the gift of energy. They will love it, love you, and guess what – you – human that you are – will love it too.  I promise you.

Would you like to learn more about your dog through it’s energetic circuitry and design? Dogs can have their charts done, too.

If this interests you, connect with me here at the client portal>>


5 Responses

  1. […] Akashic Records Chakras and Energy Work Developing Your Intuition Spirituality   prev […]

  2. […] Once I became aware of that, I couldn’t go back.  And by the way, once you become aware of that, animals become aware that you know that, too! […]

  3. […] Having an Akashic Reading for an animal or pet – with their permission or their owner’s permission if they are sick […]

  4. […] Dogs come from a collective Soul or consciousness. The way they individuate is to learn how to fit into their family, then on passing they head back to the collective and add that information to the whole. […]

  5. […] One of my favorite energetic openings in recent years has been with dogs. I had a dog from 2011-2023, she was a rescue dog from the Kansas Human Society. […]

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