3 Ways To Align your life with your heart

Align Your Life with your heart
Today I shared a Facebook status from Doreen Virtue’s Facebook Page (the angel lady) about recent energetic events, because I was feeling so low and flat…wondering why.
As I reread the post again today one part really resonated for me – here it is.
“Remember that everyone around you is experiencing this same energy. So if your friends or family seem unstable or upset, don’t take this personally. Like you, they’re questioning everything and considering making changes to align their lives with their hearts.” Doreen Virtue
But what does ‘align your life with your heart’ really mean?
Interesting to note that my children had this conversation with me the other day.
We were talking about the inside of us being more important than the outside since on our recent travels my older child had noticed a kid walking strangely in a hotel corridor and decided to walk like him at home.
It was completely innocent, she didn’t know that this child was wearing leg braces and not just walking funny, so I explained it to her.
We then had discussions about the inside of us, or our souls or hearts, being as important – if not more so – than the outside.
Both my children then took the discussion further
“It’s about having a good heart”
said my oldest.
“Yes,” said my younger child, ” but we don’t mean your insides, like your organs and your guts, but how you are as a person”.
Wow, I have learned a lot from my children!
So, when how you are as a person on the inside is not in harmony with how you are a person on the outside, your ‘good heart’ will tell you in some way that there is a mismatch.
In essence, you need to align your life with your heart.
What is the heart center and how can energy work can help – electromagnetic balancing
As an EMF Balancing Technique® Practitioner, I have learned a lot about heart energy.
Our hearts can be opened sometimes with energy work.
I’ve had clients experience direct physical phenomena from the heart area being balanced and cleared.
This can present with sensations such as tapping, thumping, or throbbing in the chest area. Sometimes, these sensations in the chest last days or weeks after the session is completed.
During an EMF Balancing Technique® session, the heart center is cleared and balanced: –
‘in order to create greater freedom‘.
This phrase is part of the say-aloud, or words we use during an EMF Balancing Technique® session.
Within the EMF Balancing Technique®, the left hand connects to an energetic prism called the Prism of Inclusion.
This is where we receive electromagnetic energy from other than ourselves. So if that channel to the heart is not open or balanced, we don’t feel included.
The right hand connects to an energetic prism called the Prism of Benevolence, where we give electromagnetic energy from ourselves to others.
Giving is another primary way to help us feel like part of our society, so again, if this side is blocked or out of balance, then problems can result.
The originator of the EMF Balancing Technique®, Peggy Phoenix-Dubro, says that
“If give and receive are not in balance, then the adventures are endless!“.
Human Design helps us to understand Heart Energy in a different way

From GeneticMatrix.com
Human Design is a system that combines several different personal energy-tracking systems in a new way.
It incorporates: –
- The Hindu Chakra System
- Western Astrology
- The Tree of Life, or Jewish Kabbalah
- The I-Ching, an ancient Chinese database of 64 human behavioral archetypes
- The Human Genome – specifically the 64 Codons discovered in Human DNA
- Quantum Physics – the impact of neutrinos on human consciousness.
The chart above shows my human design, that of a Manifestor.
My heart chakra is displayed as the white triangle to the right of the lime green diamond on the chart as you look at it.
The main thing to understand from this chart about my heart chakra is that it is Open, (not colored in).
People with an Open Heart Chakra are genetically designed to have a more gentle Will than people with a defined Heart Chakra (if defined, the Heart Chakra will be colored in with a pink shade).
Depending upon your place of birth, date of birth, and time of birth, you will have a unique chakra pattern. (You can look up your Human Design chart here if you would like to!).
Your Heart Chakra may either be: –
Undefined or Open (colored white in the chart) – about 70% of the population. This means that it’s wise for you to find ways to achieve your goals without forcing things. You are not designed to exert your willpower in indirect ways. Align your life with your heart by intending “this, or something better”.
You may make big lists, but then struggle to complete them and feel overwhelmed or lacking in energy. It’s OK, your Heart Chakra is designed not to push, but to resonate your wishes and wants.
Peter Gabriel is an example of someone with an undefined Heart Chakra. He is inspired by the world around him, resonating approaches and ideals outwards through his songs.
Defined (colored pink in the chart) – about 30% of the population. This means that you may have been called “willful’ or even “bossy” as a kid! You have strong willpower, and get things done when you say you will.
Tony Robbins, the self-development coach, is a great example of someone with a defined Heart Chakra. He uses his willpower very directly to demonstrate how to break through blocks and inspire other people.
Click here to learn more about Human Design Readings>>
The Heartmath Institute works to help you align your life with your heart
Research from the Heartmath Institute tells us that electromagnetically, the heart produces the largest field in the body.
Shifting our emotions changes the emotionally coded information radiating from our hearts to others.
The more positive and relaxed we feel about ourselves, the more positivity and relaxation we can radiate to others.
It can be hard to do this consistently though if we feel we are in a life that is not in alignment with our hearts.
We can either choose to change from the inside out or change from the outside in. One of the ways we can do this is by changing our life situations.
Aligning our lives with our hearts takes work. It may also require some changes that can make you or your loved ones uncomfortable. Perhaps you or your loved ones will even experience resistance.
I know that aligning my life with my heart has ultimately resulted in more peace.
So, consider ways you may be able to align your life with your heart. Your good heart will thank you for it!