Blog at Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

big fat lies

Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves | Amy Ahlers ditches her Inner Critic | Book Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves is a book with a secret…the author has somehow accessed her inner wisdom and knows all of the big fat lies women tell themselves!

All you have to do is open the first few pages of the book and look at the table of contents…and you will see every single big fat lie you have told yourself listed in this book by category, no less.

These are the ones we probably HAVEN’T told anyone, not even our best female buddy over a coffee, because many of them are unconscious and we say them in our minds without even being aware of what we’re doing.

There is a method to author Amy Ahler’s madness here. After all, what’s so attractive about reading a bunch of lies?

What is truly useful about this book, is that there are exercises to help us break down our reasons for lying and reprogram our thoughts.


How to take care of your family with homeopathy | Holistic Moms Network | Some tips from Mom On A Spiritual Journey

How to take care of your family with homeopathy – a webinar from Boiron USA and the Holistic Moms Network Are you interested in learning how to take care of your family with homeopathy – especially since the cold/flu season is approaching, but you’re not sure how to go about it? I got notified on…
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Highly sensitive person or hsp

Being too sensitive | Are you a highly sensitive person (HSP)? | Having a highly sensitive child – some thoughts

Being ‘too sensitive’, a Highly Sensitive Person or having Sensory-Processing Sensitivity I am an HSP (highly sensitive person) and so is my oldest daughter.  A  Highly Sensitive Person (or person having Sensory-Processing Sensitivity) is somebody who is defined as a person with an innate behavioral trait where there is a heightened level of observation –…
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Gardasil Vaccine Legislated in California | Does Gardasil Really Work as advertised? | Injuries in my town? Wichita

Gardasil Vaccine Legislated in California without Parental Consent Legislation for the Gardasil vaccine  – so now there is not only no liability for a child taking a vaccine, but no consent either?  Here’s the link to the article Dr Tenpenny refers to, and the link to the video from Fox News. This from the Age…
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Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Using Affirmations | Happy birthday to Louise Hay| You can buy Apps too for 50% off | Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Louise Hay birthday celebration Apps also 50% off! Following on from my post yesterday about Louise Hay publications such as You Can Heal Your life being 50% off today and yesterday, whilst at after school activities yesterday afternoon (a place where I play with my phone) I was wondering if Louise Hay Apps are 50%…
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you can heal your life

Louise Hay | Happy Birthday on Oct 8th and thank you | You Can Heal Your Life Book Review by Mom On A Spiritual Journey

Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life has been in publication and on bestseller lists since 1985.

One of my close friends call it her ‘health bible’ and I always have a copy or two on hand, since there is often a friend around who needs to borrow it.

Louise Hay’s groundbreaking work in my view was based partly on her intuition, or inner guidance, that words were spoken in a positive frame help shift our minds and bodies into a better state, or chemical balance.

Modern science now proves what Louise Hay intuited after much work, study and many workshops with people from all walks of life – that detrimental/negative emotional and mental states long held in the body are connected to illness, and conversely, that positive/hopeful affirming emotional and mental states are helpful for our healing.

Bloggy boot camp

A blogger on a spiritual journey | Bloggy boot camp – no kidding! | The Sits Girls – great place for mom bloggers to network

Been a blogger on a spiritual journey for a year or so, time to head to Bloggy Boot Camp with the SITS Girls! This blogging thing is really interesting.  Noticing that I’m beginning to ‘grow’ writing muscles (blog post time getting shorter) and a few burgeoning wordpress muscles … (a little) more technical expertise. Started…
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peace and compassion

International Day of Peace September 21st 2011 | Inner peace + Law Of Resonance = Outer Peace – spread the words!

International Day of Peace September 21st 2011 Inner peace + Law Of Resonance = Outer Peace Rational Wiki: The Law of Resonance, which is closely interconnected and works in harmony with the Law of Attraction, is the Universal Law which determines precisely what it is that you will attract into your life based on the…
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Unity Consciousness

Together we are strong | Video of Burning Car Lifted off Trapped Man | Brandon Wright saved by strength of humanity

Together we are strong – video demonstrates strength of humanity I watched an amazing video on the news this morning, and decided to post a link to it here. I have heard about amazing rescues but seeing one happen is quite a different matter. This material could be distressing to some and is the raw…
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oscillococcinum or oscillo

Oscillococcinum or Oscillo for short | Great for catching flu-like symptoms early | Using homeopathy for flu and colds

Oscillococcinum or Oscillo for short – hard to say, easy to use to help relieve flu-like symptoms Oscillococcinum, harder to say than to use, mostly shortened to ‘Oscillo’ by those in the know, is a homeopathic flu remedy. Up until recently Oscillococcinum has not been so well known in the States, but is commonly used…
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Facebook and Twitter Social Media

Its not Facebook and Twitter – its you! | Use Social Media for Activism | You now have great power and great responsibility

Facebook and Twitter – I’ve noticed people either love Social Media or hate it Facebook and Twitter? Truth is, love it or hate it, Social Media is here to stay and is already influencing you – whether you like it or not. Even the Weather Channel reported on Twitter trends during Hurricane Irene and now…
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Complaint Free World

A Complaint Free World | How to begin to disconnect from the energy of complaints | Bracelets will help!

A Complaint Free World? If you haven’t heard of this movement, it was created by Will Bowen, the lead minister of the One Community Spiritual Center in Kansas City, Missouri. As an innovative Christian leader, he gave a sermon one day about the damaging nature of continuous complaining – and what a great place a…
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