Category: Spirituality

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

sacred geometry

Does Sacred Geometry Influence States Of Mind? How To Begin

What is sacred geometry? How can we grow our spiritual journey by the study of this subject? Sacred geometry can become an amazing meditation tool, as well as being studied as a thought-provoking philosophical experience. Here are some ways to work with sacred geometry on your particular path.

spiritual cleanse

3 Easy Ways to Perform a Spiritual Cleanse, 3 Situations

Do you use a spiritual cleansing or smudging method as part of your spiritual practice?  There are many different ways to cleanse your aura, your environment or a space you are visiting, even a temporary space.

Ancient civilizations relied on a number of ways to create a spiritual cleanse.  One of the most well-known ways in present times to clear a space is to smudge using burning sage.  Often something is used to direct the smoke over a person or around a space, such as a feather or large leaf.

The energy of a location can also be cleared or cleansed using this smudging method.  If you don’t have sage smudge handy, then sometimes essential oils or energy can be used to create a spiritual cleanse. Here are some hints and tips to help you get the most from using spiritual cleansing work.


3 steps towards spiritual enlightenment

What is spiritual enlightenment, really? How can we be sure we are becoming enlightened on the spiritual journey?

There will be moments on the spiritual journey when we discover clarity. Pay attention to those, and enlightenment may follow.

In this post, Sarah discusses three steps to spiritual enlightenment and how they may be of help to you on your journey.

on a spiritual journey

Why are you on a Spiritual Journey?

Why are you on a spiritual journey? Is it something you are searching for, perhaps just a feeling, or even an energetic, intuitive or Akashic Awakening.

I’d love to hear from you and understand your experiences. I’ve been on a spiritual journey consciously for over 20 years now. The journey continues…

Interested in creating success on your spiritual journey? Awaken your Akashic Records, develop your intuition, experience growth and abundance!

Book a reading today

everything happens for a reason

Does everything really happen for a reason?

Something happens, and people try to comfort the person by saying ‘Everything happens for a reason’. This phrase or social nicety is intended to have someone feel better and in some situations may feel comforting, but by saying this or even believing it to be true, an opportunity is lost for deeper awareness.


Making forgiveness easier

Should we ‘forgive and forget?’

Is it best to be compassionate in all situations to free ourselves from the bind of unforgiveness, or is it better to forgive everyone unconditionally?

I am currently struggling with forgiveness in a particular personal relationship, so this chat was of particular interest to me.

If you struggle with forgiveness, or perhaps even are not sure how to go about it…then you may find some answers in this post.


Effective journaling for spiritual growth and creativity

Do you regularly journal on the spiritual journey? Perhaps you are new to journaling, or want to begin but are wondering how to make the most of your journaling time. Here are some hints and tips from Sarah.


Why is the patriarchy coming to our awareness now?

Why is patriarchal energy becoming so apparent to us now? Human consciousness grows in 5,000-year cycles. At the beginning of a new cycle, the Aquarian Age, women are remembering their place as creatives, not just in the home or of children, but in so many other strands of society. Perhaps they were busy creating all along, but their visibility was not always apparent. Now, many women are making moves to awaken the divine feminine, and a deep and penetrating stare at patriarchal systems and energy is the result.

investigative medium

What is an investigative medium and how are they helpful?

An investigative medium is able to connect with the energy surrounding a crime, the energy of a person passing, or even a kidnapped person in some cases, in an attempt to help law enforcement rescue people or solve a crime. Learn more about mediumship and the skills an investigative medium can offer to help a community.

mothers day

Letter to mum for mother’s day

It’s Mother’s Day. I found myself writing my mum a letter. Here it is.


Choosing a crystal – how to go about it

Are you drawn to crystal work and want to choose a crystal for spiritual practice? When choosing a crystal, certain things happen for me to indicate that it’s time to locate another one. Here’s a guide – enjoy the journey.

mom on a spiritual journey podcast

3 inspirational podcasts I regularly listen to

With all the media available to us on the internet now, where are the truly inspirational podcasts for the spiritual seeker? Here are my top 3. I make time to regularly listen and work with the information contained in these podcasts. I hope you find them useful. I have a podcast series too, by the way!